Page 35 of Fated Fae (Fractured Fae 1)
Standing underneath the castle, I’m finally able to appreciate its full beauty. I reach out and run my fingers along a section of green, unsure of what it could be made of. It’s smooth and glossy, almost like a green sea glass. Every piece of the structure seems to be made from the highest quality stone and carved by the gods themselves.
“Welcome home, Queen Arabella," Allwyn whispers. Pulling my eyes away from the impressive structure, I glance up at my guards, letting the words sink in. They all have beaming smiles on their faces, happy to truly be home. The moment is monumental, another one of those situations where I’m reminded that this is so much more than a simple adventure. It’s the future of all fae and Faerie itself.
With that lovely weight on my shoulders, I turn to push open the door to the castle. The issue is that it’s been shut so long it refuses to budge for me.
“Hey, my big muscled friends, help a girl out?” Calling back to them, I signal them forward to help. It takes our entire group of six to push it open, though truthfully, I probably didn’t contribute at all.
The doors shift open with a loud creak and a plume of dust, the musty air swirling out at us before revealing the dim hall beyond. I take a moment to feel with my magic, but nothing feels out of place. It’s just a skeleton of a former life, waiting for us to reclaim.
“Feels safe,” I say as I step into the dusty foyer of the castle. A wave of powerful magic engulfs me, lifting me into the air in a whirlwind. The men shout below me, but I’m completely immobilized and barely able to make out what they’re saying. The ceiling here is tall and I’m practically right on the ceiling now. All I can think about is the men below me, and hoping I won’t die up here alone for triggering some sort of magical trap. That’d be a hell of a welcome back to Faerie.
The air quickly shifts, the magic electrifying until every hair on my body stood on end. My heart is pounding so hard in my chest that I barely notice when my vision starts to blur. But I don't have long to freak out before it fades to black.
“Open your eyes, child," a woman’s voice calls to me. Her voice has an echoing quality, like layers of hundreds of voices overlapping.
Her words confuse me until I realize I must have squeezed my eyelids shut in my panic. When I open them I’m still floating, just no longer in the cast
les. I’m in a forest clearing, filled with an ominous fog that blurs out everything beyond the clearing. Vines grow thick and wind around a large stone altar in the center. Intricate symbols are etched onto the surface, clearly a language native to Faerie. Underneath the altar sits a shallow stone pond, filled with a magenta moss that gives the water a pink reflection.
Spinning around, I take in every inch of the space I can see, but there’s no one with me. At least no one visible. Before I can voice my confusion, a bright light glows on the altar, slowly gathering in intensity until I have to close my eyes. Slowly the light dims behind my closed lids until I’m not afraid to look. I open them cautiously, afraid of what I might find. Floating above the altar is a woman, though it’s hard to see her features through the light and swirling magic that surrounds her.
“Who are you?” I ask in a stunned whisper. I may not be familiar with Faerie or any legends of this realm, but something tells me she is worthy of my admiration and respect.
“We are Faerie. The spirits of this realm, or a Goddess as your people perceive me. Parts of me were corrupted during the Dark War. We need you, the queen of all courts, to balance out the lands of Faerie again. You are the only hope we have of being restored and finding peace once more.” Her echoing voices reverberate through the foggy air around me, sending shivers down my spine at the sheer power behind it.
“I tried, I passed out and it made no difference," I explain. The reminder of the pain I felt making my heart sink. I’m not the person for this job, she should know that better than anyone else.
“You cannot do it alone, you are just the catalyst. Your journey is different from what you’ve been told. Your magic is too strong for you alone to bear, and will instead be shared… five souls tied as one. When Faerie was created, four stones were created from my essence. One remained in each land, feeding its power and keeping our realm balanced. When magic and blood soaked into the soil, the stones were corrupted. That same darkness still lingers, feeding on those that remain. You must find my stones and cleanse them. Once you do this, Faerie will be cured of the poison and will start thriving and healing itself again. Once that is done, the animals can return and Faerie will be back to her former glory.” My mind is reeling from her words, and I have so many questions.
“How do I cleanse the stones?” I ask first. Better to ask the important questions while I have the chance, Who knows how long her powers will keep me here. Speaking to deities isn’t exactly something I’m familiar with.
“Your magic. Just as you tried to heal the land, you will heal the stones. Once the Stones are replaced, put them in your crown, they’ll help you stay strong. Your four knights will protect you and ensure that you succeed. Stay focused and rely on those you trust. When it is complete, we will be able to restore order and life in the realm again.” Just as I open my mouth to ask about the crown, a weight settles onto my head. I can’t move my hands to inspect, but I know it is the crown she spoke of. “Once your crown is restored, it will magically bind you to your mates. You will have one for each court. To be a true queen of balance, you will need these men to balance you and help hold your full magical essence. Trust them and lean on them. You embody what four separate royal families did before you. This is important. Your body is simply a conduit, but they are your anchors. You must connect with all four men or your power will destroy you.”
“Thank you, Spirit of Faerie, I will restore you," I vow, bowing low. The oppressive magic slowly recedes and my vision blurs again. Apparently she was done answering my questions. Only now she’s left me with more weight on my shoulders and my mind a jumbled mess of information.
All at once my vision comes back to me and I float slowly back to the floor. Emrick plucks me right out of the air before I can hit the floor.
“What was that?” Maddox barks at me, but Gerwyn gives him a sharp look that stops him from saying anything else.
“She clearly didn’t do it to herself," he chastises, his voice full of ice. Maybe it’s magical exhaustion, but that was hot as fuck to watch. The reserved man turning cold and dangerous had me swooning a little.
“You got yourself a crown!” Bowen exclaims, pointing to my head. I nod, still dazed from everything that happened. I can feel my body quaking as it adjusts to the loss of magic surrounding it and words aren’t coming to me easily.
“We need a fire,” Allwyn announces and stalks off to find a fireplace, mistaking the shaking as being too cold. Emrick trails behind him, still holding me tightly and I just soak in the strength he’s lending me, whether he knows it or not. For a moment I wonder if he could be one of my knights, but know that’s likely wishful thinking.
“I’m okay, big guy," I whisper weakly, trying to calm the tremors that are still tearing through my body, knowing it’s worrying the gentle giant. I can feel the tension in his hold and see the small glances he throws my way, like he’s worried I’ll float away again.
“Emrick, a little help!” Allwyn bellows from the other room. Probably because something heavy needs lifting and not because he’s jealous. At least that’s what I tell myself.
“I’ll take her," Gerwyn steps forward with his arms open and waiting. Emrick gives me one last squeeze before depositing me into Gerwyn’s waiting arms.
“I’ve got you, beautiful queen,” he whispers as he follows the others into the room. Before my eyes closed completely, I notice a scowl marring Maddox’s face. I’m not sure what I did to offend him, but I can’t seem to dwell on it. I’m safe and warm, surrounded by my strong protectors.
Chapter 14
The first thing I notice when I wake up is the overwhelming heat surrounding me. I’m so fucking sweaty I can barely stand it. As I blink my eyes slowly, I realize I’m sandwiched between Gerwyn and Bowen, their bodies radiating heat like a furnace. It doesn’t help that the fire is still roaring in the fireplace. I sit up slowly and look for the others. Allwyn’s missing, but Emrick and Maddox are asleep nearby, blocking the entrances. My protectors, guarding me even in sleep.
Problem number two is that I’m in desperate need of a bathroom, so I slowly stand up and step over Bowen. Pausing, I scan the room and listen intently, but I can’t hear Allwyn anywhere.