Page 9 of Wearing Him Down
“Yes, my love! I have several colors and styles!”
Grant loosens the tie around his neck with deliberate movements. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re trying to rile me up, princess.”
Feeling bold, I rest my hands on his thighs and lean forward, watching his interest flare at the sight of my breasts so close to his mouth. “No one is forcing you to watch.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. You force me to watch by being so goddamn gorgeous, Sienna. I couldn’t take my eyes off you if I tried.” He looks me over, top to bottom. “And I have tried not to look. I’ve tried to be noble and keep away—and failed. I’m so fucking close to being done trying.”
“How close?” I whisper, swaying slightly under his intensity.
“Very. Close.” Grant bites out. “Don’t push me.”
The fact that he’s close to losing control and touching me is music to my ears. Up until today, I wasn’t even sure Grant found me attractive. I knew he cared about me a lot. I knew his body reacted to the nearness of mine. But what he’s showing me now is new. A whole new side of my stepbrother that makes me wonder what he’s been hiding under the surface.
I’m going to find out.
“I’d love to try a bikini,” I call over my shoulder. “Do you have red? Or pink?”
“I have both!” Some plastic crackles. “I have a pink string bikini with little red hearts on it. Look! It is precious!”
I do actually fall in love with the bikini at first glance. It’s whimsical and sexy and I can’t imagine wearing it and being anything less than confident. I stand still while Janice zips me out of the silver dress, then I take a deep breath and let my panties drop to the living room carpet. I feel Grant’s hungry gaze on me while pulling up the thong bottom, the thin strip of red material separating my butt cheeks. I hear his low groan when I tie the strings of the top and give my breasts a little shake, to make sure they’re in securely.
Finally, I turn and face Grant where he sits on the couch. He’s not even bothering to hide the hard flesh tenting his dress pants. Or the warning in his eyes.
Knowing he wouldn’t hurt me if his very life depended on it, I feel totally safe taunting the eye of the storm, however. While Janice is distracted, I put some extra swing in my hips and cross to the couch, sitting down on Grant’s lap, tucking my backside into his groin area and feeling the enormous ridge of his manhood.
“Christ,” he says on an exhale, thrusting his hips up. “Don’t do this to me, princess. We’ve almost made it.”
“Made it where?” I don’t wait for him to answer, but turn in his lap, eliciting another growl from that perfectly masculine mouth. I’m all prepared to purr something seductive in his ear, but instead I say, “You didn’t come for your hug today.”
His eyes close briefly. “Believe me, I missed it more than you did.” He runs a hand up my bare thigh, resting it on my hip, rocking me against him and gritting his teeth. “I look forward to that time with you every day more than I ever looked forward to anything in my life.”
Certain he’s close to admitting he wants me—or maybe even loves me—I know I have to push. Wear him down. If he’s being noble for my sake, he needs to know it’s unnecessary. “So don’t leave anymore,” I whisper against his mouth. “Lie down with me, kiss me and take my clothes off—”
“You can’t make that decision yet,” he says harshly, his fingers splaying on my belly and moving higher, toward my breasts. “I’m your caretaker, Sienna.”
“You’re my Grant,” I sob, pushing aside the triangles of my bikini top and letting my nipples peek out. “Everything else is just details.”
“Maybe to you,” he chokes out, his gaze eating me alive, from the tips of my breasts to the scrap of red barely concealing my femininity. “But God help me, I need to do this right.”
“There’s nothing more right than you and me.”
His fingers graze my right nipple and I arch my back, mewling. “In time, you will be correct,” Grant rasps. “But I think you’re forgetting we have an audience.”
He’s right. I completely forgot. Sitting on Grant’s lap in nothing but a string bikini and having his undivided attention—and touch—is heaven on earth and everything else has faded to the background. Cheeks burning, I look over at Janice and find her turned away as she makes some notes on a pad of paper. Any minute, she could glance back at us. Grant and I won’t have this illusion of privacy for long, but lord, I don’t want to leave this sanctuary. His erection is huge against my bottom and there’s no way I can try on any more clothes when every inch of my skin is achingly sensitive. I need more. I need to feed my body whatever it’s after.