Page 21 of Wearing Him Down
“Oh Grant,” I breathe several minutes later when a white limousine drops us off outside of a luxurious mansion. The grounds stretch further than my eyes can see. A massive stone fountain spouts water in honor of our arrival, native birds chirping and cawing from the palm trees. The ocean crashes in the distance and I run laughing from one end of the veritable palace to the other trying to reach the ocean view, but I’m constantly distracted by all the wondrous personal touches throughout. My initials—or my future initials, rather—are carved into the sweeping fireplace, portraits and paintings of me are framed on every surface, every wall, and unlike Grant’s penthouse, there is color everywhere! Pinks and greens and golds. “I love it,” I squeal, dashing out onto the balcony just off the grandest living room known to man. “We need more pictures of you, though—”
I cut myself off with a gasp when I finally see what awaits me below on the beach. Wow. The ocean goes on and on forever, blue and bottomless and breathtaking. But it’s not what makes my heart pound. No…there are candles everywhere. They stretch up and down the beach endlessly, flickering and glowing in the fading daylight. A long, white satin runner cuts through them on the sand, leading to a beautiful arched trellis covered in tropical flowers of every color. A preacher stands beneath it with a bible in his hands, waiting with a patient smile.
“I can’t live another minute without having you as my wife, Sienna,” Grant growls in my ear, drawing my back against his hard chest. “You’re the only thing in this world I will ever love. Let me call you mine so I can begin laying the world at your feet.”
Turning, I go up on my toes and kiss his lips. “I love you, Grant. And just watch, I’m going to lay the world at your feet, too,” I murmur. “Now let’s go get married.”
Five Years Later
What word is stronger than obsession?
If one exists, it describes how I feel about my wife.
I’m a man on the verge of cracking down the middle at the mere suggestion of her pain. I worship and adore her…violently. Of course that violence would never cause my Sienna harm—I’d drive a stake through my heart first—but the violence collides inside me with the fiercest of love, possession and fear of losing her until I spend my every waking moment shaken.
Yes, this love for my wife never stops leaving me shaken.
True to her word, she has laid the world at my feet. Given me a child, her love and loyalty. Happiness that knows no bounds.
I lean in close to watch her on one of my office monitors now, cataloguing the graceful way she moves on the screen. She’s dancing from room to room of our penthouse like a sweet, little ballerina, well aware she’s being watched like a hawk. Well aware I’m salivating over her sweet backside and high, round tits, my cock hard with the need to be inside of her. Sienna arrives late for our playtime purposefully on occasion, as she’s apparently going to do this afternoon, and she knows it drives me to the brink of madness.
I allow it.
I allow it because my young wife has been very understanding about my protective nature where she’s concerned and what it leads me to do. Such as locking her away from the world so only I have access to her beauty. Her heart. They’re mine and I’m a miser with them. If she leaves the safety of our home, she does it with an army of bodyguards and even then, I’m a wreck until she’s inside again, safe from harm.
I run my fingertip along the screen, tracing it down the line of her back. “Come to me now, princess.”
As if Sienna hears me, she takes one final peek inside our son’s room to make sure he’s napping and exchanges a few words with the nanny. And then she’s on her way to me at the office. Where I wait like a prisoner about to be released from solitary confinement. One touch from my wife and I’ll be able to breathe and think again. She’s sunshine in a world of nighttime. I need her as surely as I need the blood in my veins and oxygen in my lungs.
As usual, when she’s traveling the eight blocks from our home to my office, I’m on edge, watching her being shuffled by bodyguards into the SUV, bracing during the short ride for some unforeseen force to take her from me. I don’t relax until she’s inside my private elevator and smiling up at the camera, giving me a little pinky wave.
God, my love for her could crush me in its intensity. It’s alive and it never stops expanding. I do everything in my power to make her happy. Her happiness is what fuels me. After she was given the island, I didn’t stop there. I’ve erected buildings in her name, I’ve purchased her a private park in the middle of the city with ten-foot-high wrought iron gates around the perimeter. I’ve drenched her in diamonds. I know what I give is enough for Sienna, but it’s never enough for me. She will have everything.