Page 9 of The Widow Maker (Dark Vows Duet 2)
This new shit is strong, too, and I’ve taken enough to knock two men out. Something’s different this time, though. Nausea overtakes me, but I can’t move. The world is dimmed, with shadows creeping in from every side and threatening to pull me under. It feels like when I was shot going after Rain.
My fingers trace the bandaged wound, and I groan with pain. What the fuck is happening to me?
“Wake up, man. Keep your eyes open. Stay with me.”
The phrases filter in through blurry reality. I feel like I’m drifting off while I’m watching a movie. I can’t focus on anything in the room. For the first time, I let the delightful numbness pull me under into a world where everything is the way it should be.
My parents are alive.
Rain’s Nana is alive.
We’re together.
I repeat the last line to myself repeatedly, uselessly trying to convince myself it’s the truth. But my heart and mind both know deep down I’m only fooling myself. Rain has been taken from me, stolen. And nobody is helping me get her back.
Cold water covers me. I don’t know if I’m in the shower or if I’m sweating so fucking much, but then I jolt back to life with a long, pained scream. Someone just shoved a needle into my heart.
Pulling out the injection with shaky hands, I let it rattle to the floor and groan when the pain hits me all at once. Liberato’s features come into view before me.
“I thought I lost you, man. I thought you really were fucking gone.”
“What happened?” I grunt.
“You must have overdosed. I barely got here in time.”
My heart pounds with adrenaline as I pick myself up from the floor. I’m still in the study, with another needle sticking out of my forearm. I rip that shit out too and toss it aside.
“Never mind that,” I hiss. “Are you ready to go now?”
“You can’t be fucking serious, Heath,” L barks at me. “You almost fucking died. We need to get you to a hospital. And your fucking bullet wound is still bleeding.”
I shake my hand dismissively. “No time for that. We need to go after Xavier.”
“Would you fucking lay that shit to rest already?” he hisses. “You’re obsessed with him taking Rain, but I’m telling you, that wasn’t him. If it were, you’d be long gone already.”
“I know what I saw.”
“You don’t,” he spits out. “You know why, Heath? Because you’re a goddamn addict. You’re not the man I met in the cage. You’ve turned into what we used to hate most in the world.”
“I’ve had enough of you preaching to me,” I snarl, taking a lunge at him. But I’m still fucking disoriented and Liberato dodges it easily. I roar with anger, eager to throw myself at him again. “Get back here, you slimy fucking bastard.”
“Look at yourself, Heath,” he grits out. “Look at what you’ve become. I’m ashamed of the man you are now. I thought Rain would change you, but even she couldn’t break through to you. You’re going to kill yourself this way.”
“And you don’t get to fucking judge.”
“Yes, I do. Because I’m your best friend. Your hermano. Remember?”
I don’t reply. A part of me knows if I deny this now, our friendship is as good as over. So I stay stubbornly quiet, making L shake his head with disappointment.
“Get a hold of yourself, brother,” he spits at me before slamming the study door shut.
I pace the room even though I probably should see a doctor like L suggested. But my head is swimming with ideas. Ideas on how to get Rain back.
I need to find Phoenix first.
By the time I return to the den, only Phoenix and Cannon are there, along with the annoying woman from earlier who’s sucking both their dicks at once. She hisses at me when I push her away.
“Need to talk to you,” I hiss at Phoenix. “Come on.”
He knows better than to argue with me, but his eyes fill with reluctance as he sneaks a glance at Cannon’s victorious face. He’s got the girl all to himself now.
Phoenix slips on a shirt and buttons his jeans before following me into the study. While he doesn’t comment on the needles and blood on the floor, I can tell he’s put the puzzle pieces together. But the worry in his eyes pisses me off. He doesn’t have the right to worry about me.
“I haven’t forgotten about your kiss with Rain,” I hiss. “And now you make it up to me.”
“I want you to raid my uncle’s house with me and find Rain.”
“Don Heath, I don’t know if that’s...”
“Did I ask for your goddamn opinion?” I hiss. “I did not. All I need is your back-up and some men we can spare to attack the Casa where he lives. Now, are you ready to make up your debt to me? You know I don’t like to keep my debts open, don’t you, Phoenix?”