Page 50 of The Widow Maker (Dark Vows Duet 2)
Nobody speaks to me, and so far, nobody has tried to hurt me. My thoughts are with Rain, but I know whatever’s going to happen now requires my full attention.
The car speeds over paths I quickly recognize, which makes it clear who the man attacking us is.
Xavier, my fucking uncle.
He must have found out the location of the Palacio. But it seems he didn’t want Rain this time. Those men didn’t even look for her. Once they found me, they forced me to come with them, and since I was outnumbered, I quickly realized I had little a choice. Strangely, though, they didn’t harm me, like they did my men. They just led me away after cuffing my wrists.
We pull up in front of the Casa. The last time I was here, I was in a position of power, attacking Xavier and his men when they least expected it. Now, though, I’m a prisoner of the war between Xavier and me, and I have no clue what the future holds.
In my mind, I return to Rain and hope she’s okay after everything that’s happened. I saw Liberato before I was led away. I’m not praying he survived what happened at home and he will take care of Rain if I don’t come back.
I shake my head to get the thought out. I have to get back. I have to go back to Rain and ensure she’s okay. Anything else isn’t an option.
With a resolute expression, I allow Xavier’s guards to lead me into the house I once knew so well. None of the maids scurrying about the place will meet my gaze, making me wonder if they know who I am.
I don’t get a lot of time to wonder, though. I’m led at gunpoint in what used to be my study, but is now Xavier’s. The man himself stands by the window overlooking the cliffs, smoking a cigar and smiling jovially as he turns to face me.
“Ah, Heath,” he says pleasantly, as if this is a premeditated visit we both knew would happen. “Sit down, why don’t you? I’ve been expecting you.”
I don’t say a word, but I do as I’m told, occupying the armchair in front of the long desk that used to belong to my father. There are still memories of my parents in here. A portrait of my father and Xavier as young men in framed behind my uncle’s desk. It makes me wonder how he truly felt about my father, his adoptive brother.
I remember the accident that took my parents’ lives. I was in the car with them, and Xavier was the one who saved me. For a long time, I was convinced he caused the car accident that killed them. But why would he save me, only to throw my life again at the docks later on? None of it makes sense, and it makes me wonder whether I’ll ever get the answers I crave.
“Would you care for a drink? A cigar perhaps?”
I don’t answer my uncle, but he pours me a tumbler of whisky anyway, and passing it over to me. I take a sip of the burning liquid with the handcuffs still around my wrists. I don’t say a thing. I’m sure my uncle had his reasons for forcing me to come here, and I’m sure they’ll be revealed soon.
“You are probably wondering why you aren’t dead yet,” Xavier smirks. “Well, tomorrow Rain will come for a little visit, and I’ll explain the plan I had in mind. Tonight, though, it’s just you and me.”
“Why?” I bark.
“Why? Well, we’re uncle and nephew, aren’t we? And we haven’t spent time together in nearly a decade. I thought some bonding would be nice.”
“Bonding?” I scoff. “What the fuck are we bonding over?”
“Well, if nothing else, it seems like we have an enemy in common now,” Xavier says. “My brother is still out there, on the run. And I know you have problems with his cartel, anyway. I’m hoping in the future we can take him down together.”
Despite my undiluted hatred for my uncle, this gives me hope he isn’t planning on killing me just yet. I take a sharp breath and finish my drink.
“Mind taking the cuffs off?”
“Sure,” Xavier replies jovially, clicking his fingers.
One guard approaches me and unlocks the cuffs. I stretch my arms before crossing them in front of my body. I know better than to attack Xavier right now. Even though he hasn’t been violent so far, I have a feeling he wouldn’t hesitate sending a bullet through my head if I turned violent.
“What’s the plan, Xavier?” I demand.
“I’ll reveal it tomorrow. It seems we have a lot of interests in common, nephew. Besides my brother, of course.”
“Like what?” I narrow my eyes at him.
“Like my wife, of course,” he smirks. “We both want her. But it seems Rain actually has feelings for you. And I’m not the cruel bastard you think I am, Heath. I’ve thought of you a lot over the years.”