Page 45 of The Truth
Before he can stop me, before he can object, I lean in and kiss him. At first, it’s me kissing him, his lips immobile beneath mine, and I almost stop. But I can’t, not when I’m finally this close to getting what I’ve always wanted.
I take my shot.
And finally . . . finally, he comes to life beneath me. His hands move slightly, first on the arms of the chair before reaching up to my hips, and his mouth becomes warm, alive, meeting me and returning my touch. I never dreamed that Daniel was this . . . alive.
In seconds, he’s pushed me back so he can stand before pulling me to him, his mouth claiming me. He’s hot and powerful, his tongue invading my mouth. I moan slightly, and he cups my ass cheeks, guiding me up and onto the corner of the table where his hands lift to twist themselves through my hair, holding me tight to his mouth.
“D–Daniel,” I gasp when I can take a break, and he grasps my chin firmly, holding me in place, and though I started this, I feel like he’s in control . . . and I like it.
“Tiffany,” he says, almost in warning. Like, you asked for it . . . now you’re gonna get it.
His mouth finds mine again, and I’m pressed against his body, my hands kneading and scratching his back as he tastes my very soul. His hands trace over my body, learning my curves. One strong hand strokes down my side before drifting to my stomach and then up to cup my right breast.
Hunger, hot and demanding, is building fast, pooling in my center and threatening to take all control. I want his touch on my body desperately, but I force myself to pull back. I lay a hand over his heart and feel the vibration of his sound of displeasure against my palm.
His eyes spark with need, calling to my body. My heart hammers in my chest, and I might as well have In Heat tattooed on my forehead . . . but I force myself to hold back, giving him a naughty smile.
I want to leave him wanting, starving for me. If I give in too soon, I could get one glorious night. But after, he’ll withdraw just as quickly, and I’ll lose any chance at more. I have to push him and then retreat and give him time to want more so he thinks progressing us is his idea.
That’s the only way to get what I truly want from Daniel . . . forever.
“What are you playing at, Tiffany?” Daniel growls, his chest rising and falling as he tries to regain control of himself.
I lean forward, but instead of touching him, I slide off the table at the last moment, stepping beside him to whisper in his ear, “I’m not playing. I’ll see you tomorrow, Daniel.”
I rub my cheek against his, listening to the rasp of his stubble against my soft skin. I savor the tiny flutter of his eyelashes I’m rewarded with as I step back and turn to leave. Walking out that door is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but I do it, knowing it’s for the best for us both.
I may lose, Daniel . . . but you’re going to find out that this is one hand I’m not bluffing on. The pot’s too rich, and I’m willing to go all in to get you.
Chapter 11
In the silence that follows, I try to convince myself that the kiss didn’t happen. It was only a figment of my imagination.
But I know that’s not true. I can smell her perfume in the air. I can taste her kiss on my lips. I can still feel the soft pressures of her body against mine.
It happened, all right, and it shifted something fundamental inside me, making me see Tiffany in a new light. She’s not just ‘a woman’. She’s . . . she’s the woman. The woman I want. The woman who suddenly seems like the answer to all the questions I’ve had for over a decade. The questions inside that I never thought would be answered again.
Even so, I successfully fight every urge and desire I have for the rest of the week because regardless of what she started, it’s up to me to proceed or refrain, doing what’s in both our best interests.
For days, I keep it up, locking my desire behind iron walls and titanium chains. I lock away my thoughts in my head, and if I just happen to avoid going through the lobby after nine in the morning or before six in the evening? Well, it’s for our own good.
At least, that’s what I convince myself of until the end of the day on Friday. Then I overhear Ricky telling Billy about how he’s taking Miranda out on a date, and my walls come crumbling down.