Page 119 of The Truth
“Agreed,” he whispers back. On the other side of him, Elle is sitting with Neve, who looks around with huge eyes at the whole ceremony. “Makes the room look brighter.”
“Very true.”
Why are we making ridiculous small talk about the altar? I have no idea. I’m mostly just ready to get this show on the road.
The music starts, and everyone looks toward the back of the hall. I’m sure everyone else is anticipating the bride walking down the aisle, but not me. I’m looking for a bridesmaid.
Tiffany appears at the back of the hall, carefully stepping down the aisle with her eyes fixed straight ahead. She looks beautiful—her dark hair half up, with soft curls escaping to frame her face, a pale bronze dress skimming over her curves to drip down to the floor, and a polite smile on her lips.
She’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen, and I’m reminded of lunch with Elle. She’s right.
To myself, I admit . . . part of me already wants to see Tiffany dressed in white, the star of this show, walking down the aisle to join me.
Tiffany must read my mind because as she approaches the row where we’re sitting, her eyes flick to mine and her smile relaxes, becoming more authentic. She passes by me, and I must make some sort of move because Colton puts his hand on my arm, restraining me so I stay in my seat.
I want to hold her, kiss her hello after the long hours apart while she finished last-minute duties for the wedding. I understand and agreed that helping Harper was important, but my arms have been empty for two nights.
Unexpectedly, a basset hound appears with a basket in his mouth. He struts down the aisle like he’s the star, shaking his head as he goes, throwing flower petals and drool everywhere. He’s probably the ugliest dog I’ve ever seen, but the display is downright adorable and delights Neve, who points and whispers loudly, “’ook! Boggy!”
Elle shushes her but is fighting a laugh of her own. It is funny, especially Neve’s little girl words, and my smile grows even more when the dog goes and sits by Ace’s side, obviously well-trained.
The man knows his stuff.
The music changes, and we all stand. Harper walks down the aisle, and all but two sets of eyes are on the back of the church. Neve’s eyes are on the dog, making me suspect that there’s a puppy in her future. Meanwhile, I can’t take my eyes off Tiffany.
Harper joins Ace, and we sit, but I do so mindlessly, all my attention on Tiffany. Seeing her in front of the altar, bouquet in her hands while the officiant talks about love cracks something deep inside me. I told Elle just yesterday that it is too soon for Tiffany and me to be talking about marriage. But suddenly, all I want to do is whip my phone out and start shopping for a ring.
I’m not a young man with fanciful ideas of easy love. I understand that love alone is not enough to make a relationship everlasting. It’s merely the foundation you build upon.
It takes dedication, romance, and choosing each other every day. Most of all, it takes work. Hard fucking work. That’s where things went wrong with my ex-wife. We got lazy, both of us checking out of the day-to-day effort of being together. Me for work, and her for . . . other things.
But it wasn’t enough for either of us. I learned from that, not attempting a deep relationship while Elle and work were my priorities. But now, I’m motivated to give more, to give everything . . . to Tiffany. Because she gives me something in return that I thought I’d lost forever.
And most of all, her whole heart.
Harper and Ace exchange vows, but as they slip rings onto each other’s fingers, I look to Tiffany, and her eyes lock onto me. Silently, I mouth, “I love you.”
She smiles softly and mouths it back.
As the recessional passes by, Neve gets away from Elle and makes a beeline for the flower dog. I’m closest, so I call off Elle with a staying hand and try to catch Neve without interrupting the whole party’s exit. But she’s a sneaky thing, just like her mother, and she manages to reach the dog before I get to her.
“Hi, boggie!” Her high-pitched voice of excitement as she sinks to the ground in front of the dog elicits a giggle from the small audience. Ace and Harper stop, and it’s actually Tiffany who saves the day, kneeling down next to Neve and taking the leash from her brother.
“His name’s Kevin,” Tiffany whispers. “You want to walk him?”
Tiffany might as well have offered the chance to be a fairytale princess to the girl, whose eyes go huge as she nods quickly. “Yes!” That word was clear as a bell and loud. Very loud.