Page 89 of King of Corium (Corium University Trilogy 1)
Once my stomach starts to growl angrily, I know I can’t hide any longer and slip out of my room and into the hall. I was exhausted last night and ended up sleeping a little longer than usual, so the corridor is congested with people.
Things are no better once I get to the cafeteria. I’m not looking forward to my smoothie, but it’s better than eating nothing. Normally, I’m the only person waiting for food, but there is already a line of students, so I get in line with everyone else.
I try to ignore the looks I’m getting or at least the looks I think I’m getting. I’m doing my best to keep my head down and my face shielded by my hair, so I don’t have to explain the black eye, or better yet, be mocked and told I deserved it.
The line is moving slowly, and the tiny hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end as if to warn me of something coming. Looking over my shoulder, I spot Q, Ren, Luna, and Scarlet walking into the cafeteria.
“Shit!” I mutter under my breath.
The line moves, and I go along with it. At least a few people are behind me, which means they probably won’t even see me. When I get to the front, I scan my card like I always do.
“Your shake is not ready yet. You’ll have to wait.”
“Ugh, can’t you just give me some eggs or something? Please, I don’t want to wait.”
“Too bad, princess. Wait, or you’ll get nothing.”
“I’ll take nothing then.” I’m already halfway spun around and ready to walk back to my room, no matter how hungry I am, when the guy behind the counter stops me.
“Wait! You already scanned your card.”
“So? Just hit cancel, or let it go through. I don’t care if it comes off my account.” I shrug.
“You scanned, so you’ll have to get your food.”
“I don’t want it anymore. Hit cancel,” I repeat. I know damn well this guy is only trying to make things difficult for me, so I cross my arms in front of my chest and stare him down.
“Are you trying to tell me how to do my job now? I told you to fucking wait. It shouldn’t be that hard to understand, even for you.”
“God, who pissed in your cereal this morning?” The staff here has been less than friendly to me, but they never treated me this badly.
“Can you go anywhere without causing trouble?” Ren’s voice cuts in.
I want to give him a snide response, but I’ll keep the ‘Don’t you go anywhere without being a dick’ to myself. Turning away from everyone, I lean against the wall and look away from them, but of course, even that is not enough for Ren.
“Come on, Luna. We’ll eat up at the castle with Mom and Dad. I don’t want you around her. Q, are you coming?”
“I really want to eat here,” Scarlet whines, and I’m a little shocked by her speaking up at all. “I want the full school experience.”
“You do what you want; we’re leaving.”
I watch them go out of the corner of my eye but don’t turn back around, not until someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around carefully, half expecting someone to mess with me. Instead, I find Scarlet’s smiling face. “Here, you can have this. I’m a vegetarian,” she lies and gives me her plate. I know she is lying because I watched her eat last night, and that steak she ate wasn’t very vegetarian-like.
I glance over at Q, whose facial expression doesn’t give anything away. It’s like he is just watching his sister and me from the outside but not wanting to interfere or react.
“Thank you,” I say honestly and take the plate from her.
“What happened to your eye?” Her eyebrows draw together in concern.
“Oh… I fell. Not used to walking in those heels.”
She clearly doesn’t buy it but doesn’t ask any more questions either. She turns back to the guy behind the counter. “I need another plate, veggie omelet, please.”
While she is momentarily distracted, I use the opportunity to slip away. I find a seat in the corner of the cafeteria, where no one else is sitting, and start eating my food. I clear my plate in record time and return my tray to the kitchen before heading for the door.
I almost make it out the door when my eyes catch on Quinton’s table. It’s only him and Scarlet sitting and eating breakfast. His sister is laughing at something he says, and for some reason, that makes me smile. I’m happy for them, truly I am, but beneath that happiness lies jealousy.
I don’t want to be jealous, but I can’t help how I feel about it. I am jealous, yearning for that same sense of happiness only family can give you. I’m jealous that they can sit out here and don’t have to worry about someone attacking them, and I’m sad that Quinton would never publicly eat a meal with me.