Page 26 of My Stepsister's Dad (Forbidden Fantasies 35)
Six months later.
It looks like a pink confetti bomb blew up in the living room of Cyrus’s penthouse. Well, I guess I should say our penthouse because I moved in after that fateful day at my mother’s house. It was sudden, but after some initial hesitancy, Alyssa and my mother were on board.
“Are you sure, girlfriend?” my stepsister asked with a wry twist to her mouth. “I wanted to move out of my dad’s place as soon as I turned eighteen, so it’s funny that you’re going the other way.”
My mom was a little more hesitant.
“Josie, are you sure this is what you want?” she asked in a slow voice. “It’s not that I used to be married to Cyrus, although I admit that it’s been in the back of my mind. It’s that things are moving so fast and I don’t want you to rush into anything. You know that Andy and I will help you with the baby, so there’s no need to jump the gun.”
But moving in with Cyrus was the right thing to do because I feel absolutely secure in the billionaire’s arms. The move was done in one afternoon, and Cyrus and I couldn’t be happier together. He has access to my curves 24/7 even as I grow bigger and bigger with his baby in my belly.
Speaking of which, the penthouse was the perfect place to have a baby shower given the ample space and incredible views. We got so much stuff that I doubt we’ll need to buy our little girl a thing her first year, seeing the clothes, socks, shoes, strollers, and endless stuffed animals she received. I look over the mountains of wrapping paper and the leftover cake before laughing. Most of the guests have left, so it’s just my family here now, including Mom, Andy, and Alyssa. I can hear Cyrus and my stepdad in the new nursery trying to figure out how to put together the new crib. A muted curse rings out, and I figure my fiancé has hit his thumb with a hammer.
“Maybe we should go in there and show them how it’s done,” Marilyn jests.
“No,” Alyssa laughs. “It’s more fun this way. We can always put it together the right way after they give up. Right now, I think it’s more fun to hear them strain and struggle.”
“Good point,” my mom giggles. Then, Marilyn turns to me and smiles fondly before leaning over to press her hand to my belly. She beams when the baby kicks. “Your daughter’s so active. You’re going to have a soccer player after she’s born.”
“Yes,” I nod happily while hugging my huge belly. “She’s been moving a lot this past week or two, and sometimes it’s not kicks. It feels more like she’s swimming in there. Butterfly or backstroke, definitely.”
My mom looks ecstatic hearing about her granddaughter, and lets out a happy sigh. I’m grateful too because finding out that I was pregnant with her ex’s child was insanely awkward and pretty horrible in the beginning. There were a lot of stilted conversations, not to mention the impassioned pleas to “take things slow” and “think things over before you make a mistake.” But I got through to Marilyn, explaining that Cyrus and I genuinely love one another, and that we’re serious about our relationship. Fortunately, Marilyn accepted the reality of the situation, and did it with grace too, which makes me grateful and proud of my mother.
Alyssa, meanwhile, is ecstatic to finally have a sibling. She presses her palm against my belly too, and the baby kicks obligingly.
“I can’t wait to be awesome Aunt Alyssa,” she sings to my child. Then she looks at me and winks. “Well, I guess technically, the baby’s also my half-sister, but you get the picture. We’re just one big happy family here.”
I roll my eyes, but in some ways, it’s true. Our familial situation is strange with a lot of twisting branches, but we’re all on good terms more or less.
At that moment, Andy and Cyrus come out of the bedroom while giving each other a high five.
“Is it all set, hon?” Mom asks Andy.
“Yes. Piece of cake,” the older man replies as Mom, Alyssa, and me all look at each other and laugh. “We’re just lucky that Cyrus here escaped with all his fingers intact,” he growls, drawing another laugh.
“Well honey,” Mom exclaims while getting up. “I think we’re going to take off and let the two of you get some rest. It’s been a busy day and you must be tired after playing host and hostess.”
“Yeah, I’m going to jet too,” Alyssa chimes in. “I’ve got another hot date tonight, and whoo-wee! He’s even bigger and better than my last.”
I gasp because my mom and stepfather are here, not to mention her dad, but it seems that I’m the only one who heard.