Page 34 of Off-Limits (The King Brothers)
Suddenly, she slid off me, turning herself and lying on her back. She pulled me to her, and my cock sank into her lips. She sucked me as I exploded, and she moaned happily as I came in her mouth. She continued to stroke me until I was empty, her lips eager and unwilling to spill a drop.
I exploded in my own hand at the image and collapsed into the sheets, my stomach and hand covered in cum. I breathed heavily, trying to regain control of myself, and laughed at how intense the explosion was. Reaching beside my bed, I grabbed some tissues and cleaned myself up before sliding out of bed. I was going to need new sheets, but first, I needed a shower.
Tearing the sheets off the bed, I made my way into the bathroom and flipped on the faucet, getting the water running. When it was warm enough, I stepped under the stream and felt my entire body relax and release what little tension I still had. Between the heat of the water and the emptiness of my cock, I almost felt like I could lie back down and get back to sleep.
I couldn’t though. There were things to do, and I was excited to check and see if Danica had responded to my email. I intentionally didn’t check my phone when I first got up in the mornings after reading a study where it was discovered it messed with a person’s sleeping rhythm. Instead, it was on Do Not Disturb and would stay that way until I got out of bed and was moving about my day.
Freshly clean, I stepped out of the shower, got dressed for a day of work, and sat down on the bed to put on my shoes as I turned my phone off silent. My heart beat faster when I saw that I had a response from Danica, and I opened the email eagerly. I had to get down to the vines pretty soon, but I could at least see what she said and maybe send off a flirty reply if I had the time.
Simon hopped up into my lap, and I rubbed behind his ears as I pressed on the email to open it. As Simon curled up in a comfortable position on my legs, the afterglow that I had been existing in slowly disappeared. I read the email at least four times, word for word, trying to make sense of it. Trying to poke holes in what my brain was telling me it was saying.
Trying to desperately cling onto hope.
She sounded so cold and detached in the message. It was formal and impersonal. But the information was there. She was going to be leaving her job, seemingly getting a promotion that would allow her to continue to work from an office or home. I couldn’t blame her for taking that. Removing the burden of travel and spending money at work was a big boon to myself and my brothers when we took over the vineyard. I understood the appeal there, and especially understood the appeal of working from home. Considering the vineyard was essentially my entire backyard, I got that completely.
But the prospect for a relationship seemed all but thrown out. She said she would be back in two weeks, so I knew I would see her at least once more, but it would be bittersweet. After that there would likely be nothing. We lived too far apart for us to think about long distance, especially at such an early stage of a relationship. She had a whole life where she lived, and I was going to be busy at the vineyard for quite some time just making sure it got up and running the way it should. I had hoped for many more in-person visits or sneaking away together when she was in the area for another vineyard nearby.
But the tone of her email told me that wasn’t going to be an option. She was done. It might have been a professional email, and it might have contained information that certainly counted as work, but it was also extremely clear about our personal situation. She was done. We were done.
I hit the Reply button, and Simon hopped off my lap as I leaned forward, using both hands to type. I wasn’t terribly good at typing on phones, so I needed the extra digit and the focus to get the words right. It took a little extra time to get my thoughts out that way, and I hated every single second of it, but I got it out.
I look forward to seeing you in two weeks, then. Congratulations on the new position. I have implemented everything in your notes and am sure you will be satisfied with our progress.
Thank you,