Page 32 of Off-Limits (The King Brothers)
Unfortunately, she took that out on me. I was just trying to help, but that didn’t mean that things weren’t going to be hard or that I wasn’t anxious about them. Considering the only person in the world that I thought would understand was my sister, I thought I could talk to her about it. But clearly, she had no interest in it. Not unless the entire conversation was centered around the sacrifices she was making.
Needless to say, I was over her bullshit. She’d made her own bed and now she had to lie in it.
It came to a head earlier in the day, and we spent the entire morning screaming at each other. More so her screaming and me calmly and rationally explaining how ridiculous she was being. At least, that’s how I remembered it.
I took a deep breath and tried to shake it off. I shook my wrists and rolled my neck, trying to get rid of the negative energy before I started in on the email again. I wasn’t going to let myself obsess over it. I was just going to respond to it as professionally as possible and keep my emotions out of it, unlike literally everything Jaz was doing.
My dog snorted in her sleep and began to softly bark. I looked down, and her feet were twitching like she was galloping. Whatever she was chasing in her dream, she was getting after it with gusto. I hoped she caught it. Someone in this house deserved a few moments of unadulterated joy, even if it were just in dream form.
Letting out my breath slowly, I let my eyes run across the email one more time. Kane was being professional on his side, but he was also leaving the door open for more. I could see it in the things he didn’t say as much as the things he did. He wanted to continue what we began at the restaurant and exploded in his bedroom.
I wanted to as well. More than just about anything. But I had responsibilities. I had a duty to my sister and my niece to do what was best for them.
I had to be the responsible one.
I had to make the right choice.
I will return in two weeks to see if the soil has improved. We discussed the levels I would need to sign off on them, and if there is any confusion, I left instructions in the envelope. After I come back, I do not foresee another return to the King Vineyard. I have taken a new, modified position that will see me working from the office more than being in the field, and I will not need to return in person after the next visit.
Your information and my file about your vineyard, after the next meeting, will be forwarded to the person who will take over my position with my notes. I assure you that your case will not be complicated by this transition, and I appreciate your patience and cooperation.
-Danica Peters
It was as professional as I could manage while still holding back so much I wanted to say. There was no way I could mention the real reason I was leaving my position, not without embarrassing the hell out of myself.
At least this way, I was ending things on a professional note and wouldn’t likely get hauled into HR for a talking-to.
I hated ending things before they could even really get started. I hated lying to him, or at the very best not giving him the whole truth. I hated that even though I was excited for the change in my life that was coming, that it meant giving up something that I felt like might have had potential for me.
Stirring from Jaz’s room told me she had woken up from her impromptu nap. If history was any indication from the past few days, she would emerge from her room in a bathrobe, take a long hot bath, and then pretend like the conversation never happened. Eventually she would make a blanket apology about how she was unstable and didn’t know how to handle herself, I would forgive her, and we would start the whole cycle the next day. If we made it that long.
I closed my eyes and hit the Send button, wondering if I was doing the right thing. I knew I was probably on the right path, but there were still so many questions. I wanted to make this transition as easily as possible, both on myself and my sister. As annoying as she had become recently, she was still my family, and I loved her dearly.
But I was giving up a hunk of a man who gave me some of the best sex of my life, and who was one of the most interesting minds I had ever encountered, so that I could become a mother to my niece and let my baby sister continue to live the life I had spent my entire early adulthood working to ensure she could have. It was hard not to feel the slightest bit of resentment.