Page 2 of Off-Limits (The King Brothers)
It was a massive A-frame house, tall and spacious, with solar panels and its own well. I could live off the land there with very little interruption from the rest of the world come rain or shine. I could even withstand big weather events, should there be any. It was my place of respite and calm; the place I knew I could go to and disappear into books or old movies.
I pulled into the driveway, parking in front of the garage that served as a second lab. Originally, I had planned on actually garaging the truck, but once I had electricity and running water put in, it became a second lab before I realized what I had done. Some days off I spent more time there than I did in my house.
Today was not going to be one of those days. I was tired and frustrated, partially at life and partially at me for feelings I chided myself for having. I just wanted to get inside, heat up the special treat I’d made for myself earlier in the kitchen, and chill out with my cat.
All of us brothers were taught how to cook. It was a primary focus of our mother, who along with our father passed away many years before. When our grandparents stepped in to finish raising us, Grandma took that job seriously, and all of us had found something we enjoyed doing in the kitchen. My thing had been soups.
I put the key in the lock and turned, knowing who awaited me on the other side. Simon.
Simon was the laziest cat to ever live, I was fairly certain. Not only did he hang out on the couch pretty much all day, but often he would just yell rather than knocking things over until I fed him.
I went inside, bringing the soup I’d made before the restaurant had opened into the kitchen and sitting it down on the counter. I was surprised to see Simon, having hopped down off the couch, grace me with his presence. A few purring winds through my legs told me that he was feeling a bit more social that day than usual. I opened a can of his favorite shredded wet food and put it in his bowl. He stared at it for a moment, seeming to judge the worthiness of it, before digging in. I used the opportunity to pet him a few times, which he didn’t immediately hate.
Smiling, I went back to my soup, ladling some in a bowl and then putting the rest in the fridge. The noodles and vegetables bobbed up and down lazily, and I stuck a spoon into the liquid.
Simon had finished his meal, at least for the moment, and was pleased as punch to see me return to the living room. He purred at my feet as I made my way over to my favorite chair and sat down, pulling the phone out of my pocket. I answered the final work email and looked over to Simon.
“What is it this evening?” I asked the cat. “Movies, TV, or books?”
Simon seemed indifferent to the entertainment selection, so I reached beside the chair, grabbing a book I had begun reading the week before. Simon made his way closer, and when I finally put the bowl and book down, he climbed directly into my lap. I pet him and thought about how I enjoyed my life. It might not be the type of life that Noah had found, but it worked for me, for now.
Ten on Saturday night found me right where every Saturday did—in waffle thermal pajamas and fuzzy slippers at my house, on my couch. Living it up.
But all that sexiness and revelry wasn’t just for fun. In addition to the hand-crocheted blanket draped across my folded legs, I also had my planner. Several printouts were spread across the coffee table in front of me, and an old bottle of wine was snuggled into the corner of the couch on the other side.
I had absolutely no intention of drinking the wine. It was here for work purposes only, just like the papers and planner. I was going over the plan for Monday and the rest of the week, making sure I was totally prepared for the work trip ahead of me.
My career was unique, challenging, and always changing. It let me use my brain and actually make a difference. That didn’t mean I was always chomping at the bit for the next thing ahead of me. That was certainly the case about my trip in the coming week. But I didn’t really have a choice.
The trip to the King Vineyard had already been rescheduled twice. There really wasn’t any wiggle room left. I needed to get there and get this done. All I wanted to do was get it over with so I could close my file on them.