Page 59 of Moonstone: Gems of Wolfe Island One
I hold up a hand. “You don’t have to explain yourself. I’m trying to take life one day at a time, and I’m dealing with everything in my own way.”
“Like getting involved with our hot waiter?”
Warmth spreads across my cheeks. “We’ve only been out a couple times.”
“You go as slowly as you need to go. Or as quickly. Everyone recovers in her own way.”
“You seem to know what you’re talking about. Have you been through…something?”
“Nothing like what you’ve been through, but I’ve struggled with mental health. It’s a priority for me, and for everyone at Wolfe Enterprises. They’ll take care of you.” She glances at her menu as a server arrives with our caviar.
A server who isn’t Luke.
“Here you go, ladies. Beluga caviar with blini.” He sets the lovely display between us on the table.
I stare at him. His nametag says Travis. He’s tall and attractive—brown hair and hazel eyes, a lazy smile—but he’s not Luke.
“What happened to Luke?” I ask.
“He had to leave early. Something came up. But don’t you worry. You’re in good hands. My name is Travis and it will be my pleasure to take care of you this evening.”
“Is Luke all right?” I ask breathlessly.
“He’s fine. Just had to go. Do you ladies have any questions about the menu?”
“We have two specials tonight,” Travis says. “One is a New York strip seared with mustard butter, side of mashed potatoes and fresh green beans, and the other…”
The words become incomprehensible to me.
I just saw him. He wanted me to leave with him.
I should have gone.
Worry niggles at me.
What’s going on with him?
That kiss. That raw kiss full of need and emotion. In my mind’s eye I see us—our bodies pressed together, our arms and legs tangled and wrapped around each other.
And he enters me as he kisses me—those firm and drugging kisses.
My eyelids grow heavy.
My eyes pop open. “Yeah?”
“You were a million miles away,” Alicia says. “Do you want to order?”
“Oh. Yeah. Sure. I’ll have the pasta.”
“Which one?” Travis asks.
There’s more than one? I glance down at the menu. “The penne arrabiata.”
“Great.” Travis makes a note. “Enjoy that caviar, ladies. It’s the best.”
I stare as Travis hustles away. Luke gave up our table—our table and a huge tip, with the Dom Perignon and the caviar.
“You okay?” Alicia asks.
“Yeah. Fine. Just thinking about some stuff.”
“That’s my fault,” she says. “I’m sorry I brought all that up.”
“It’s okay. I don’t want people walking on eggshells around me. I could tell you about my life before, but it’s pretty boring. I was eighteen when I was taken.”
Alicia winces. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. It should make you uncomfortable. It’s a terrible, terrible thing.”
“I can imagine.”
No, you can’t. I don’t say this, of course. It’s not Alicia’s fault that she truly can’t imagine. It sure wouldn’t make me happier if she could. I’m glad she can’t. I’m glad only very few of us can.
I clear my throat. “Tell me about yourself. How long have you been with Reid?”
“A couple years. I love it. He’s a great boss.”
I nod. “I’m sure.”
“We were all shocked when he married Zee so quickly. He was the quintessential bachelor. Kind of a womanizer. A different piece of arm candy at every event. You know the type.”
“Reid? Really?” I shake my head. The man is devoted to Zee. They’re about as in love as any two people I’ve ever seen.
Of course, I haven’t seen a lot of lovebirds in the last ten years.
Shit. Lovebirds. Why did that word come to mind?
I blink, trying to make Alicia less blurry, as a movie plays in my mind.
A movie best left forgotten.
“I’m in love with you, Moonstone. You’re my lovebird.”
I smile, purr the way he likes. He hurts me less when I’m accommodating.
What this derelict doesn’t seem to understand is that if he were truly in love with me, he wouldn’t beat me with a yardstick. He wouldn’t rape me.
At least he doesn’t hunt me.
Only one of my regulars likes the hunt. The rest just like to hurt me, humiliate me.
Still, Lovebird humiliates me less than Ice Man, who never touches me except with his urine. Lovebird whispers sweet nothings in my ear. Tells me how much he loves me as he forces himself on me.
That’s so not love.
I’ll never experience love.
What will happen when I grow old and I’m no longer attractive to the kind of men who come here to Treasure Island? Will I end up like Diamond? She was beautiful once. I see it in her eyes. But now she’s old and tired and broken.
I haven’t seen any woman leave the island. But Turquoise is older than the rest of us. She already has laugh lines around her eyes. Where did they come from? We don’t laugh here.
We never laugh.
Later, after Lovebird leaves, Diamond gives me a pill for the pain on my back and ass. I pretend to swallow it.