Page 33 of Moonstone: Gems of Wolfe Island One
“No, don’t worry about that. I’ve already called for a cab.”
“Uber’s quicker.”
“True, but…” I don’t like the idea of getting into a car with a complete stranger. Of course, cabbies are strangers too.
God, I’m fucked in the head.
My text dings. “My cab will be here in about fifteen minutes.”
“Good.” Aunt Agnes smiles. “Then you have time for a few more cookies. Plus, I’ll wrap some up for you to take home.”
Before I can stop her, Aunt Agnes is back at the counter, hustling and bustling.
Uncle Bruno saunters into the kitchen then and meets my gaze.
“Hey, Uncle Bruno. Remember me? Katelyn?”
He grunts, nods, grabs a beer from the refrigerator, and heads back to the living room, taking a long drag of his pipe.
I pull out my phone. I hate to bother Zee when she just gave birth…
But I need a favor.
I resist the urge to call Katelyn. I have to work, anyway. Lois shamefully flirts with me for the first two hours of my shift but then finally settles in her office to do paperwork by eight p.m. I’m on for another three hours.
I head to my next table—a threesome.
“Hello, I’m Luke and I’ll be—” My mouth drops open.
Not just any threesome, but a Wolfe threesome. Rock Wolfe, his wife—a gorgeous blonde—and his brother Reid, husband to Zee. My old man knew their old man a lifetime ago. At least it seems like a lifetime ago.
And their old man? Makes my old man look like a fucking saint.
Hell, he even makes the old me look like a fucking saint.
What are the odds?
“…your server.” I finally find my words. “Can I get you a cocktail?”
“Bourbon,” Rock says.
“Any particular brand, Mr. Wolfe?”
“Whatever’s closest to the bartender’s reach is fine with me,” he says.
I can’t help a chuckle. “Good enough.”
Reid scoffs. “Get the Pappy’s, dumbass. You know you want to.” Reid meets my gaze. “You have Pappy Van Winkle’s?”
“Ten or fifteen year?” Nice. Pappy’s is expensive, which means a nice tip.
“Fifteen, of course,” Reid says, his eyes amused. “The ten is complete piss.”
“Got it. For you, Mrs. Wolfe?”
Lacey Wolfe blushes. “Just water for me.”
“My wife is expecting,” Rock says.
“Oh! Congratulations. So your new daughter will have a cousin soon,” I say to Reid.
“Yes. How do you know about my daughter?”
“I was your wife’s waiter two nights ago when she went into labor.”
Reid stands and holds out his hand. “Then I owe you my gratitude. Zee says you were very good to her friend.”
“Katelyn? No problem.”
“I understand you saw that she got home.”
“It was no trouble at all, Mr. Wolfe.”
“Reid, please. And Rock and Lacey.” He gestures to his brother and sister-in-law.
“It’s great to meet all of you. I’m Luke Johnson.”
Reid pulls his wallet out of his pocket and extracts a business card. “If you ever need anything.” He hands it to me. “Thank you again. Katelyn is very special to Zee.”
“Thank you. I’ll keep that I mind.” I slide the card into my pocket. “Let me get those drinks started for you.”
I amble to the bar and put in the order for the Pappy’s fifteen-year for Rock and Reid, all the while Reid’s card is burning a hole in my pocket.
Man… I could get out of The Glass House. Away from serving alcohol.
I’m qualified to work at Wolfe Enterprises. I have an MBA in finance. Plus a lot of “business experience.” Not the kind I’d put on a resume, but…
Can’t do it. Can’t ask for a job. My only job is to stay under the radar, and already I’m known to four people in the Wolfe family—people who are the opposite of under the radar.
And then there’s Katelyn.
Who is very special to Zee.
What is their connection?
I could call my father. He would know.
But then he’d know where I am. Unless I used a pay phone… If I could even find one. But he’d still know my vicinity.
No. Can’t do it.
Luke Johnson is a waiter, a recovering alcoholic. Luke Johnson never went to college.
Luke Johnson is no one.
Call me anytime. Night or day.
Those were Zee’s words. Tonight is merely forty-eight hours after she gave birth. Is she even home yet? Zee Wolfe no doubt gets the best post-natal care available. She may well still be in the hospital.
Call me anytime. Night or day.
I push send.
The phone rings. Then again. Three times. Four. Five. Si—
Zee’s voice. I freeze for a minute.
“Hello? Katelyn?”
Of course. My name shows up on her phone. God, I’m not thinking straight.
I clear my throat. “Zee, I’m sorry to bother you.”
“You’re no bother. Is everything okay?”
“I’m fine. But…”
“You wouldn’t have called me if everything was fine. What is it? What can I do to help?”
Once again, Zee amazes me. She’s been through so much, and she just brought another life into the world. Yet she’s concerned with helping me.
“I’m actually fine. Truly. But I do need something.”