Page 8 of Savage Gods (Reign & Ruin 2)
Like a certain someone made a point of reminding me, though, this situation couldn’t be dealt with in my often-reckless manner. I had no way of knowing how she’d handle everything I was keeping to myself.
Audrey understood me better than anyone else, to an extent. She wasn’t aware of my history with Judas. Her self-conceived notions of our relationship weren’t anywhere near accurate, which I didn’t blame her for.
How could she possibly know that the twisted bond between us made me want to crawl beneath his skin just so that I could be closer with him?
Shifting my weight from left to the right, I uncrossed my arms and faced her head-on. There was only one thing to do right now--deflect.
“What about what you’re keeping from me?”
“Huh? I’m not keeping anything from you.”
She tossed her blonde hair behind her shoulders and placed a hand on her hip. “It’s nothing serious, just stuff with Gavin.”
“What kind of stuff? Why are you so determined to hide you’re fooling around?”
Her freshly threaded brows shot up to her hairline. “First of all, Gavin and I are not fooling around. I’ve slept with him a total of two times and won’t be doing so ever again. Secondly, stop trying to flip this around on me.”
This could be considered pot-calling the kettle, but I didn’t care about my ulterior hypocrisy right now.
I already knew her issues had something to do with Gavin. It was the secrecy of their rendezvous that bothered me. Did she realize she’d avoided an actual answer just like I had? Was that the theme of the month? Avoidance?
The bell sounded again, signaling the beginning of the next class. Luckily, this was our lunch period because otherwise, we’d have to ditch or hide out in here for forty minutes. If there was anything I’d learned since being at Pesadilla, it was that the teachers played no games when it came to attendance.
“We should go.” I grabbed my bag and looped it back over my head.
“Why don’t you talk to me anymore Rhia?”
The obvious hurt in her voice almost made me cave.
I held strong, my need to keep her safe more important to me than any kind of self-loathing I felt or anger I might receive. Her safety was a top priority. I couldn’t say if Judas would hurt her or not and it wasn’t a risk I wanted to take.
“I talk to you every day. It was just a couple of texts, Auds.”
“This isn’t about those. Do you think I don’t know you’re dealing with something? I’m your best friend.”
Withholding a sigh, I studied her face. This was ridiculous. Audrey and I were rarely at odds. We had our disagreements like most friendships had but never to the point we locked ourselves in a school bathroom for a round of interrogations. Something had to give.
“We can’t talk here,” I finally said.
“Why? It’s only us.”
“Not here.” I waved a hand around the room. “I meant the school.”
“Then we can talk later?”
She eyed me suspiciously. “When? You’re chained to Judas’ side lately.”
I wanted to explain that wasn’t entirely all my choice, but there was the whole telling too much thing to consider. One thing I wouldn’t do under any circumstance, however, was let her believe that dick was coming between us. I needed to come up with an explanation that would placate her, but it wasn’t going to be that.
“How about you give me a ride home today?”
“Dead serious.”
She twisted her lips as if she needed to think about it. We both knew she’d agreed before I finished asking.
“K. It’s a date.” She turned and unlocked the door, peering back at me as she pulled it open. “Let’s go eat.”
I followed her into the hall. It was empty aside from one lone person leaning against the opposite wall. As soon as she saw us come out, she slipped her cellphone into the front pocket of her uniform jacket.
“Have you been out here the whole time?” I asked.
Brianna straightened with a smile.
“Yup. I stopped anyone from trying to come in, I figured you two needed to have a one on one.”
More like she was listening to see if I spilled my guts.
“We’re fine,” Audrey stated defensively. “Are you eating?”
“I never skip a meal,” Bri answered, smoothing a hand over her silky hair.
Wordlessly, I began walking in the direction of the south stairwell.
It was the quickest way to the cafeteria in this monster-sized fortress someone dared call a school.
“What’s up with your car?” Audrey asked.
“I have no idea. It’s lifeless, won’t do anything.” I left out that Judas was responsible for this issue as well.
“Mm. I’m sure your dad will have it handled soon.”
“Maybe. Money is tight now since he bought the house.”
“That’s understandable,” Audrey sympathized.
Bri made an intelligible sound. It took effort not to turn around and snap at her. I didn’t know the whole deal with what my parents had going on. The details I’d been given were purposely minuscule. She had no room to say a damn word as far as I was concerned.