Page 2 of Savage Gods (Reign & Ruin 2)
I hated Rhiannon was part of such a timeless formality, but this would make her even more capable when all was said and done. She’d finally get a glimpse of the life I was dragging her into.
I almost forgot whose bed I was in.
Subtle hints seeped into my subconsciousness. The likeness of a cloud cradled my half-naked body. That was the first reminder because my mattress wasn’t nearly as soft. Cheek to pillow, I breathed in the lingering scent of jasmine and spice. A solid body pressed against my back, giving my brain the final shock, it needed for clarity to take hold.
“Are you awake?” his husky voice sounded heavier than usual.
“No,” I mumbled, snuggling deeper beneath the comforter and closer to him.
A rumble of a laugh sent cool breath skating across my skin, causing goosebumps to spread in its wake. Gently, he pulled my hair to the side, so it was out of his way, and then placed his sensual lips on that perfect spot between my shoulder and the side of my neck.
“Mm,” I hummed, exhaling contentedly.
“You smell good,” he murmured, “You smell like me.”
That was because I’d been using his body wash. I angled my head, so he had better access. Teeth nibbled with an innocence that betrayed them leaving a stinging sensation after each nip. The tip of his tongue darted across the erogenous hotspot to soothe every sting. His palm flattened against my outer thigh and gradually traveled up to my hip.
With a firm, slightly painful grip I was rolled onto my back. He settled between my legs, careful not to crush me with his weight. The room was dark, no sign of sunlight to give away the hour but that alone told me neither of us had slept very long.
Realizing he was in clothes again, my curious gaze traveled from his sweats to eyes of silver, breath catching in my throat when I saw the intensity within them. That look encompassed who Judas was. Everything he did and had done was always with that one sole emotion.
“You’re not going to scream for me to get off you?”
“If I did, would you?”
I reached up, smiling. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his mouth down to mine. Our lips pressed together, his hands found their way to my upper thighs again, stroking and massaging naked skin.
He kissed me lightly once and then again, twice. Every brush of his soft, full lips was a little firmer. When they pressed against mine a fourth time, he used the tip of his tongue to tease along the seam until I opened for him.
He took complete control of the kiss, with a slow and calculated intensity. He grasped my hips and pulled me closer, causing my pussy to rub against the hard bulge straining against his sweats. Each little moan was caught and swallowed by him.
Keeping one arm wrapped around his neck, I spread my legs wider and reached down to hook my fingers in the waistband of his pants. I tugged and pushed until his cock was free. Judas immediately drew back, his breathing completely normal while I struggled to portray the same.
“Touch me,” he commanded, lowering his mouth back to the sensitive spot on my neck.
It was a simple thing to do, I responded automatically. I wrapped my fingers around his dick, smiling to myself when he slightly tensed and exhaled. It was nice to know he wasn’t unaffected. Smooth, long, and thick--three simple words to describe how he felt in my hand. I ran the pad of my thumb over his tip, forming a fist around his length.
I worked him for only two minutes or so while he rained kisses all over me, nipping and licking until I thought I would come from his teasing alone. He cut my playtime short and made a gradual decent downward that I couldn’t follow with my hand. Another kiss and a gentle caress over my breasts later, my thighs were placed over his broad shoulders.
“Damn,” he murmured as soon as his head dipped to fill the space his body had just occupied. I knew the quiet remark was more for himself than me. I was unashamedly and ridiculously wet.
The way he petted and stroked my naked skin only heightened the craziness his kisses instilled. Judas wasn’t some naïve, clueless boy. He knew exactly what he did to me without needing to lay a hand on my body. Him knowing how and where to touch was the bonus.
A breath of cool air fanned across my pussy a split second before he began to drag his tongue down my slit, softly, barely touching, further teasing me with each stroke of his tongue. I tried to wiggle, needing more but he was quicker than me, grabbing my thighs and pinning me in place.