Page 21 of Filthy Twin Mechanics (Forbidden Fantasies 34)
“No,” I interject hastily. “There doesn’t have to be any fighting. It’s not necessary. Violence is not the answer.”
But Frank steps forth calmly then.
“We accept your challenge. Just name the time and place, and we’ll be there. Bring it, sonny boy.”
I whirl around in shock.
“Frank, no! This isn’t a good idea. You don’t know Talon Creighton. He’s got muscles out to there, and he’s dangerous. He’s nothing like his younger brother.”
“What?” Tyler squeaks with outrage. “You don’t know what you’re talking about April. Talon and I are like this,” he says, winding two fingers around each other. “We could be mirror images of one another.”
But I shake my head, suddenly desperate.
“Talon is a beast,” I whisper urgently, looking between my two boyfriends. “They’re not like each other at all, trust me. This isn’t a good idea, and don’t let yourself be goaded by this brat here because it’s not going to turn out well!”
But Frank merely shares a glance with Dylan and shrugs.
“No it’s fine, April. We don’t lose, and we accept your challenge,” he says to Tyler in a calm tone.
With that, my ex giggles and literally rubs his hands together with glee.
“Okay! Then let’s make it this Sunday at seven. McGee’s Gym over at Brokaw and Second.”
Dylan and Frank nod in agreement and Tyler lets out another excited yip. Then, he literally scampers away, trembling with anticipation.
“See ya! Wouldn’t want to be ya!” he calls from the pool gate. Then he lets out another demonic giggle before running off.
Meanwhile, I turn back to my lovers while trying to contain my anxiety. Oh god, what’s happened? My boyfriends don’t understand the danger they’re in because they’ve never met Talon Creighton. But I have and that guy’s scary. His muscles have muscles and word on the street is that he killed someone once with a heavy blow to the head.
But I know it won’t do any good to try and talk Frank and Dylan out of it, so slowly, I gather my things as we head to their house. I’m scared about how this fight will turn out, but at this point, what can I do? The next few days are out of my hands, and if anything, I’m wondering if my boyfriends overheard my conversation with Tyler. After all, we were discussing my pregnancy when they barreled in out of nowhere. Do Dylan and Frank know?
I throw them a searching look.
“Is everything okay?” I ask as Frank drives. “That was a pretty crazy scene.” His profile is impassive, and Dylan answers from the back.
“Everything’s fine, April,” my lover growls. “Just take it easy.”
With that, I decide not to fish. If they don’t bring up my pregnancy, then I won’t press. Instead, we arrive at their home, and I immediately step into the bathroom for a hot shower, letting the scalding water pound on my shoulders as I stare at my bulging belly. Have my boyfriends noticed? Do they suspect? After all, I’m honored that Dylan and Frank are willing to fight for me, but they’re not just fighting for me now. They’re also battling for our child, so it’s imperative that they win.
* * *
I can’t believe my business partner and I are gearing up for a cage fight, but I guess it is what it is. After all, we’re not going to let some idiot demean our girlfriend. Even if Dylan and I die trying, it’s worth it.
Then again, when I signed up for this match, I figured it would be a back-alley thing with some illegal gambling and various shady middlemen. Instead, it’s turn into a Pay-Per-View like affair with a rowdy, rough crowd drinking heavily as they jostle in the stands. At least management at McGee’s was smart enough to lock the doors promptly at seven so that the cops don’t stroll in for a big time bust.
“Who are these people?” I ask Dylan as we tape our hands. “What the fuck? I didn’t expect this to be a spectacle.”
He shrugs.
“Too late for that. They’re taking bets out there.”
“Shit. Are we at least the underdogs? I want to make some folks some money if we’re going to do this.”
Dylan laughs. “We are. I think they have us at 12-to-1 since Talon is a professional MMA fighter. It fucking sucks, but what can you do? I wasn’t going to let Tyler shit on April like that.”
I nod.
“Damn right.”
I clench my fist, pretending to test the tape, but really, I’m befuddled that April ever dated that guy. How could she sell herself so short? Our girlfriend is clearly ten thousand times better than that loser. Then again, evidently they hung out during high school, before he had all these problems. Anyone can change after a couple years.
Annoyed, I tug at my gym shorts. They’re loose but whatevs. I’m not going to show off my package for a bunch of dudes just for the hell of it. Basketball shorts are my thing, and I jump up and down a few times to warm-up. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get back to our real lives.