Page 13 of Filthy Twin Mechanics (Forbidden Fantasies 34)
After all, Dylan and Frank take no quarter when it comes to claiming me. I’ve been with them every which way, and the truth is that I love it. Being with two men has been a dream come true because I adore the attention they shower on me. Plus, they’ve been incredibly generous with their time. They helped me put together a business plan for my ice cream venture, and even looked over my start-up budget.
“You need that much for freezers?” asked Dylan, his brow furrowing.
I nodded.
“Yes, definitely. There are ice cream parlors that went under because they bought a cheap freezer from China that broke accidentally. It’s better just to invest in the top-of-the-line German brand so that you’re guaranteed quality. Plus, the German brand sends out a repairman at the first hint of trouble.”
Frank nodded, his expression approving.
“That’s my girl, always thinking ahead. It never pays to skimp, and we’re glad you’re of the same philosophy.”
I flushed with pleasure because my lovers are seasoned businessmen, so if they approve of my decisions, then surely I’m bound for success, right?
But I still haven’t gotten April’s Ice Cream Shoppe off the ground. As a result, Frosty Freeze continues to employ me, and I smile ruefully at the blue polo shirt. When I open my own ice cream parlor, I’m definitely not going to have the staff wear these frumpy tops.
With that, I head out to my car. The Civic’s now humming along perfectly, thanks to regular maintenance from Frank and Dylan. I didn’t realize how much difference an oil change could make, but apparently it’s crucial for a car’s survival.
But as I make the drive to Nassau, my stomach begins to feel a bit funny. Ugh. Did I eat something bad this morning? I had eggs and bacon with a boatload of chili sauce, which has been my favorite meal for the last month. It sounds weird but I can’t get enough of the savory, tangy flavors mixed with a kick of spice.
“Hey, girl,” Carolyn says when I stroll into the store. Her face grows concerned when she gets a good look at me. “Are you okay? You’re really pale.”
I smile wanly.
“I think my breakfast just isn’t sitting well, but I’ll be fine, thanks.”
“Are you sure? I can call Dani again if you need to take a day off.”
I shake my head. “No, no, I’m okay. Dani’s already been kind enough as is, and I’m ready to work.”
After all, money is still tight, so I need all the hours I can get. Of course, Dylan and Frank lavish me with gifts and meals out, but I still have my rent and utilities to pay, and unfortunately, those bills require cold, hard cash, and thus Frosty Freeze it is.
I put on my apron and take a second to breathe. I never get sick, so this must be a bad reaction to my crazy breakfast this morning. Plus, I’ve been working a lot, both at the store and in bed with my lovers, so my body hasn’t had much time to rest. Things are probably just catching up with me.
I take one last deep breath and head out to the front where a line of customers has already formed. Ugh, it’s going to be that kind of day. There’s a woman at the front with a nasty expression on her face, and her hand on her hip in an accusatory manner.
“What’s taking so long?” she demands. “My kids want their cones today, not tomorrow. Got it?”
I force a conciliatory smile on my face.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, that’s my fault. What can I get you today?” The customer is appeased after I add extra scoops to her order, but then a hot flash strikes me. One minute, I’m a bit cold from leaning over the freezers, and then the next minute, I’m literally breaking out in a sweat and my limbs feel weak.
“Carolyn?” I query, turning to my manager. She understands immediately, nodding towards the break room in the back.
I practically run back there and collapse onto a cool, plastic chair. I lay my head against the seat back and inhale through my nostrils. What’s going on? My head is spinning and my stomach absolutely hates me right now. It must be the eggs and bacon right?
But thinking about food sends my stomach into another tizzy and to my horror, something awful bubbles in my chest and then I let out a horrible belch. What the hell? It stinks to high heaven, and in a panic, I leap up from my seat and run into the bathroom. The porcelain throne beckons as disgusting streams of chunky vomit splash into the bowl.
Ugh, what was that? I collapse on the cool, tile ground, still sweating from the hot flash. Why is this happening?
To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I threw up because my immune system has always been amazing. Sometimes, I’ll even go years without the faintest sniffle, but apparently, my luck has run out.