Page 57 of Forcing You Away (Archer & Everleigh 1)
I continue daydreaming. “Can you imagine how beautiful his babies will be? Whoever he marries will be one lucky lady.”
“It could be you, considering you’ve had his tongue all down your throat,” she reminds me.
I groan, grabbing the floor vacuum so I can clean up a little. “Not if Tyler has anything to do with it.”
“Did your brother put a lock on your vag? No, he did not,” she says assertively. “You can’t control what your heart wants. And it sounds like it’s mutual if he’s kissing you. I don’t think you could live with that regret of not trying. No telling what could happen between you two. Marriage and kids. How can Tyler stop you from true happiness?”
“I know,” I say, nodding in agreement. She’s absolutely right.
Lexie puts her hand on her hip. “He’s just being a big brother, and it’s none of his business.”
“Finally, someone who’s willing to take my side.” I smirk. “Archer’s too afraid to disappoint him. Tyler got him here, his job, and a place to live. He feels like he owes him too much.”
“Alright, so you sneak around for a couple of years, then you announce your engagement and pregnancy. What’s Tyler gonna do at that point?”
I bark out a laugh. “You’re a bad influence, Lex.”
I love my brother, and I’d hope at the end of the day, he’d want me to be happy, even if that meant being with his friend. Archer’s a grown-ass man and can make his own decisions without Tyler constantly planting seeds of doubt in his mind.
Lexie and I keep chatting as we work. It’s nice to have someone I trust to confide in. During that short hour, we completely restocked the clearance rack with old inventory and cleaned the store, though it’ll get destroyed again in the next rush. It’s been a productive morning, and I haven’t been able to stop smiling since our conversation.
Right before noon, the bell above the door rings.
“Good mornin’,” Lexie calls out, and I greet the woman with a smile as she looks around.
“We have a buy one, get one pop-up sale on graphic tees if you’re a follower on Instagram,” I offer with a grin.
“Thanks! I follow you already. Are you Everleigh?”
“I am!” I realize I’ve never seen her around town before, and I know every person who lives here.
“I found your boutique online and was passing through the area so I thought I’d stop by,” she says, as if she read my mind. “I love everything you have. It’s so cute!”
“Oh, thank you! Love hearing that.”
“Yeah, I was scrolling through your pictures. Do you hire a photographer?” she asks as she browses the racks.
“I actually do them myself.”
“You do?” Her eyes light up. “That’s pro level! Oh, and that one guy you had on your feed last month. The one with the tattoos…” She lingers, and I see something flash behind her eyes.
I turn and look at Lexie, who smirks with a knowing nod, considering we just had this conversation.
“So, what’s his name?” she asks, her hand grazing over the graphic tees.
“Archer,” I say. “He’s never modeled before. Can you believe that?”
“Seriously? He’s a natural. Is he…single?”
I was waiting for that question.
I chuckle. “Yeah, he is.”
“So, he doesn’t work here?” she asks as if she was hoping to meet him.
“I don’t think he could handle it, honestly,” I say with a small laugh. “Just modeled some clothes for me.”
She looks around, almost like she’s lost.
“Are you looking for anything in particular?” I finally ask.
“Do you have any distressed jeans with rips and stuff?” She wanders over to the jeans that are folded and tucked into cubies on the wall.
“A girl after my own heart.” I lead her over to them.
“You have to try the winter leggings,” Lexie interjects. Ever since I gave her that pair, she has literally sold dozens of them.
“Winter leggings?” the woman asks, and I can tell she’s not from the South from her accent. But I can’t quite place it either.
“Yeah, they’re lined on the inside and keep you toasty warm. I love, love, love mine. They’re so comfortable,” Lexie continues until the woman grabs two pairs.
“I’m sold. Guess I’ll take one in black and one in gray.” She also grabs a few of the custom sweatshirts that have Ever After Boutique across the chest in a pretty cursive font. I mean, they are cute as hell, but I’m also extremely biased.
After I lead her to the counter and check her out, she speaks up. “I’m Krystal, but my friends call me Kay.”
“It’s been a pleasure meeting you.” I put everything in a bag. “I also put an extra twenty percent off coupon in there too that doesn’t expire until March. I hope you come back.”
“Oh wow, thank you so much.”
I come from behind the counter and walk to the front. She stays in step with me.