Page 52 of Forcing You Away (Archer & Everleigh 1)
She’s waiting for a reaction, but I wouldn’t put it past her to really text someone. Any man would be an idiot to tell her no.
I shrug, then clear my throat to grab her attention. “Why not text them all? Have a big ole orgy?”
“Oh, come on, that should’ve worked!” Everleigh pushes out her bottom lip. “What if I promised to keep my hands above your waist at all times?”
A bark of laughter escapes me, but I can’t deny her. Hell, I can’t deny myself the chance to spend more time with her, especially away from Lawton Ridge.
“Okay, okay. I’ll go with you.”
She yelps and wraps her arms around my neck. “Yes! We’re gonna have so much fun!”
“Why do I have a feeling I’ll be eating my words later?”
“Ha-ha,” she muses. “Give me an hour to get ready, please. Then we’ll head out. Bring a change of clothes ’cause we’re staying out all night.”
“Sounds like a plan. I should probably change too.”
“Nah. Go like that,” she tells me, memorizing my abs before looking at the waistband of my joggers. “I’ll be ready soon.”
“Looking forward to it.” I take a sip of my coffee when she goes into her room. After I’ve finished my coffee, I put on some of the clothes Everleigh gave me for Christmas.
When I return to the living room, she walks out and looks me up and down. “Nice choice. You’ve got style.”
“You mean, a stylist.”
“Same difference.” Everleigh lets Sassy out one last time before grabbing her purse that’s just big enough to fit her phone, debit card, and ID. She’s wearing tight dark jeans with little rips in the knees that hug her perfect ass. Her blouse shows off just enough cleavage to make you want more. Right now, in those high heels, she looks good enough to eat. And she knows it.
“You look beautiful,” I say after she catches me gawking.
Her cheeks redden. “Thank you, glad you think so.”
Once we’re in the car and heading out of town, Everleigh glances over at me. “You’re gonna love this place. It’s only an hour away, and unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Oh, and I already booked us a hotel that’s within walking distance too.”
“You do this a lot?” I ask. Though I wonder what kind of wild things Everleigh’s done in her past, I also don’t want to hear about her being with other men. I’m shocked she was able to get a room at the last minute.
“I like to have a good time,” she confirms. “Since most of my friends are responsible adults who are married with kids, I often go out alone. Meet up with people online.”
“Online?” My brows shoot up to my hairline. “That sounds dangerous. You never know what kind of psycho you could meet.”
She laughs. “Oh, I’ve already met a few. It’s just really hard to find single people in Lawton Ridge. Plus, I don’t want my personal business spreading around town, which is why I prefer to leave.”
“It’s kinda nice knowing everyone, though.”
“Yeah, but it can be a nightmare too. When I’d get in trouble at school, my grandparents would know before the last bell rang. It’s just hard to keep secrets around here.”
I smirk, thinking about a young Everleigh causing all sorts of havoc for her teachers. I can only imagine how much of a handful she was.
“Then there was this time when I needed a pregnancy test because I was late. Spoiler alert, it was stress-related. Anyway, I had to order it online because I knew if I dared to get it from the grocery store, the rumor mill would start before I even peed on the stick. So, there’s also that. It seems charming, and most times it is unless you want to keep things private. Then everyone’s up in your beeswax.”
“Yeah, I guess I never thought about those sorts of things. Thankfully, we don’t have anything to hide,” I tell her, the words lingering on my lips while I try to bury my feelings.
It doesn’t take long before we arrive at the club. The parking lot is packed, so Everleigh and I check into the hotel first, then walk over. We wait in line outside, and the cool air swirls around us. As soon as Everleigh shivers, I wrap my arm around her, knowing she loves my body heat. She looks at me and flashes a smile, her ruby red lips taunting me. Eventually, it’s our turn to go in.
I’m not sure what I expected when I walked in, but it definitely wasn’t a country bar. I’ve been to a lot of different places in Vegas, but this is on another level. A dance floor occupies the middle, and a bull-riding area is across the way. I can hear high heels and boots shuffling against the wooden floor as people line dance. In the back, there are pool tables and what looks like darts. It’s incredible.