Page 5 of Forcing You Away (Archer & Everleigh 1)
He nods. “Yes, sir. This is it.”
I follow him to the door and notice her porch is just as decorated as her shop. Tyler knocks and turns to me while we wait for her to answer. “Yesterday was her birthday.”
“Yeah? Maybe she’s not home yet?”
“She’s here.” Tyler checks the time and grows impatient. Punctuality should be his middle name. Another few moments pass, and he eventually puts his spare key in the door, then unlocks it. When he steps in and notices how trashed the place is, annoyance rolls off him.
“What the hell?” Tyler asks, kicking a beer can before seeing the empty tequila bottle on the counter. “What the actual fuck?” His voice raises an octave when he finally sees the bare ass on the couch. “Everleigh!” Tyler yells. The naked guy doesn’t move, and I halfway wonder if he’s still breathing. Eventually, he rolls over with a grunt, reaching for the blanket that’s on the back.
“Everleigh!” Tyler repeats, beating on the wall, and I assume her room is on the other side.
A few moments later, the door swings open, and she saunters out with messy blond hair in a top knot. She still has on the makeup from last night, and her mascara has slightly run. It takes everything I have not to smirk at her. If being a hot mess was a person, she’d be it.
“Can I help you?” she finally says, placing a hand on her hip. “Because you’re screamin’ my name like you’re payin’ my rent. And I don’t even need to mention that judgy ass look on your face.”
His nostrils flare, and she releases an amused laugh. The sound is warm and contagious, something I’d like to hear again. “So, you must be the famous Archer I’ve been hearing my brother talk about so much.” She holds out her hand, and I give her a shake, but her fingers linger a few seconds longer.
“Yeah,” I say, meeting her crystal blue eyes. There’s a flicker behind them, and I notice her brow slightly ticks up. Electricity radiates from her in ways I can’t explain. At that very moment, I see exactly what Tyler was talking about when he said she’s flirty. Doesn’t help one bit that she’s fine as hell too.
“Nice to meet you, roomie.” A grin sweeps across her gorgeous face.
“Everleigh!” Tyler snaps. “You knew we were coming today. What the hell!” He holds out his hand and points at the man on the couch.
“Why are you yelling? No one else seems to have a problem with anything that’s going on here other than you.” She looks at me, almost urging me with her gaze to agree, but I’m staying neutral in this argument.
The last thing I want to do is piss off my best friend or my new roommate. I don’t have a dog in this sibling fight. As soon as the thought hits my brain, a cute fluffy white dog comes prancing out of Everleigh’s room. Immediately, the little furball runs over to me, the tags on her collar dangling.
“Oh, meet Sassy. She’s every bit of her namesake,” Everleigh admits as she sashays to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.
“What breed is she?” I ask to keep the conversation flowing that doesn’t involve more shouting.
“An American Eskimo.”
I bend down and pet Sassy’s head. “Hey there. Are you a good girl?”
“I can be…when I want. But usually, I’m really, really bad,” Everleigh answers, and Tyler whips his head toward her.
“Stop it right now,” he demands.
“Stop what?” She winks and plays dumb, chugging her water.
I’d be lying if I didn’t think it was sexy as hell, but Tyler’s right about not crossing any lines. Everleigh’s off-limits, and it needs to stay that way, even if she might be my greatest temptation.
Seconds later, the naked dude pushes himself up on the couch.
“Yo.” He gives Tyler a head nod before walking to the bathroom and has zero fucks that his dick was out.
Everleigh shrugs, then grinds some coffee beans. She’s unfazed while Tyler is ready to explode. I look back and forth between them, noticing their dynamic and thinking how strange of a first impression this has been. I don’t know if living with her is the best or worst idea Tyler has ever had.
I guess only time will tell.
Chapter Two
“Your place is trashed,” Tyler continues, grabbing an arm full of empty beer cans from the coffee table now that the random guy is no longer there.
“I mean, if you want to clean up, go for it. Not gonna stop you, but I’m not paying for your services either,” I tell him, chugging more water. I drank way too much last night, but I’m a grown-ass woman, so I refuse to apologize for living my life how I want.
Tyler rolls his eyes.