Page 33 of Forcing You Away (Archer & Everleigh 1)
My attention snaps to Tim.
What the hell?
I’ve literally been next to Everleigh this whole time, and he’s been staring at her inappropriately. I assume everyone here is just overly nice, but there’s something suggestive in his tone that’s more sexual than friendly.
“I’m taking care of it,” I respond before Everleigh can. “Since I’m the one who kinda broke it, I just figured I should be the one to fix it.”
I stand with my arms crossed, staring the gawker down. He doesn’t reply, just simply nods, then tells Everleigh her total.
“Thanks, Tim!” she calls out as we exit.
As we walk toward her car, I can feel her eyes burning a hole in the side of my face. “I know what you’re going to say.”
“Is that so?” she muses, pulling out her keys and unlocking the door. “Enlighten me.”
I glance around, and my heart nearly stops when I see an Escalade parked across the street. That’s when I notice someone in all black leaving the hardware store. I can’t tell if it’s a man or woman by the way the hood shields their face. I’m tempted to haul ass over there, but since I’m on parole, I need to be on my best behavior, which means not getting into fights or drawing attention to myself. If I’m being followed or if Chad’s family is after me, I can’t retaliate without reason.
Everleigh quickly moves her gaze to the black SUV as it speeds away.
“Did you see who it was?” she asks in a panic.
“No.” I shake my head. “They were in the hardware store with us, though.”
Everleigh’s brows furrow, and I feel bad that I’m putting her in this position. She looks worried, and it’s my fault she’s living with fear. Staying here puts her and Tyler at risk. I should do the right thing and leave.
“If I had to guess, it’s probably a friend or family member of a local who has a crush on you. Hopefully seeing me with you scared them off.” She flashes me a wink, then gets behind the wheel.
Well then. Everleigh isn’t fazed at all. Perhaps it’s an act because she sounded concerned when she spotted the unusual vehicle before.
“Everleigh.” I turn toward her when I buckle. “You and I both know it wasn’t an admirer.”
“Well, whoever it was is gone now.” She shrugs, and her casualness throws me off. “Plus, we need to talk about your little caveman stunt back there.”
Everleigh pulls out into the street, her words putting me on the spot.
“He was being rude,” I say. “He was basically inviting himself over to your house.”
“I could’ve defended myself,” she states.
“He needed to be put in his place.”
Everleigh snort-laughs, and it’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard. “Is that so? Because I think you were the one trying to manifest your way into my bed.”
“Considering you were in mine last night, it wouldn’t take much to get into yours.”
“Hey!” she snaps, taking a swing at me. “You callin’ me easy?”
“Of course not! You’re the one making it sexual. I was talking about sleeping.”
She turns and glares at me. “Right.”
I look away with a smirk.
Once we’re back at the house, we immediately get to work. Once I replaced the broken panels, I glued and screwed them in, then clamped both sides.
“Need to let it cure for at least twenty-four hours before adding any weight,” I tell her. “Then we can put the mattress back.”
“So I guess I’ll be your sleeping buddy for one more night,” she muses.
The following evening, I check to make sure the slats are good and sturdy on the frame. Then we set the mattress on top, and she remakes her bed.
“Looks good as new,” she says. “Wanna test it out?”
Everleigh waggles her brows, and I shake my head with a grin. Without a word, I scoop her up and toss her on it.
“Oh my God! A warning next time!” she scolds.
“Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t gonna break on ya.” I shrug teasingly.
“Maybe I should get out my vibrator and really test it out.” Her seductive tone has the blood flowing right to my cock. The little evil minx.
“Are you blushing?” she taunts, scooting off to stand in front of me. “I think you are.”
“I think you’re enjoying this.”
“I enjoy lots of things.” The corner of her lips tilt up suggestively, and that’s when I know I need to leave.
“I’m going to go to sleep now.” I turn and walk toward the door. “Good night.”
“Night, roomie.”
I get under my covers and stare up at the ceiling. Each day it gets harder to be around Everleigh. Not because she’s difficult to live with but because I find myself enjoying her company so much. She always makes me laugh, which feels good. I wish I could kiss those flirty, luscious lips, but I can’t, and it’s pure fucking torture. Doesn’t help that Everleigh tempts me at every opportunity.