Page 2 of Worse Guy: A Scifi Alien Romance
"My name is Bee," I say, because I don't like being referred to as “the human,” especially by a guy that expects me to kiss him later. I worm out of his grip and trot after Novis. "And I point out that you need a social worker because you need a liaison that understands humans and that humans won't be afraid to talk to. Did you know that three farms were attacked last month?"
Novis sighs and keeps on walking, ignoring me.
I keep right on talking. "And did you know that Regina over at farm district thirteen had her farm attacked by poachers? She got married fast so no one could steal her property, but it wasn't a choice she should have had to make. And Lexi—she's in farm district eight, by the way—says she went to the doctor last week for cramps and he refused to treat her because he thought she was making it up to get medication."
Their steps speed up, and with a huff, I walk even faster to keep up.
"Bee," Riffin hisses at me, trying to get my attention.
I ignore him and raise my voice a bit more. "Lexi ended up having a tumor in her uterus that was causing excessive bleeding and she almost died. How do you think Lord va'Rin would have liked that if you had a human die on your watch?"
The mesakkah officer stops so suddenly that I crash into his backside. His tail swivels and smacks me across the shoulder.
"Sorry," I breathe, forgetting to be effervescent for a brief moment.
"You think humans are in danger of dying?" Novis practically snarls at me. "And that you can save them?"
Riffin puts his hands on my shoulders. "Come on, Bee—"
"No, that's not what I'm saying at all," I manage, detangling myself from Riffin's grasp. Seriously, when I need an interfering mesakkah boyfriend to take point for me, I'll ask. I get that Riffin is trying to be helpful, but this isn't the time. "I'm saying that humans are afraid to stand up to aliens because they're big and scary and we're small and fragile." When that gets his attention, I put on my happiest smile. "They need a friend to talk to. A go-between that isn't afraid to speak up on their behalf."
"A friend," he says thoughtfully, and then really, really stares at me hard. "You think this solves all their problems if I hire you?"
I can practically hear the sneer in his voice, but I choose to ignore it. "It certainly can't hurt. Let me prove myself to you."
That elicits a smile from Novis. "Fine. You want to prove yourself to me? You can be the advocate for one particular refugee I have in mind. If this works, I'll hire you as a full-on liaison."
I clasp my hands together with delight. "That's perfect! Thank you so much! You won't regret this!"
"No, but you might," Novis says, flicking his finger over his data pad. "The refugee is Crulden."
I don't recognize the name, but Riffin does. He stiffens and steps between me and his boss. "Sir, no. Bee is far too delicate to work with him—"
"Lord va'Rin said that the other one"—his voice drops low—"showed great success and willingness to cooperate once there was a female involved. We can try this."
"Sir, she's my female." Riffin sounds pissed. "I don't want her anywhere near him. It's out of the question."
Well, I'm pissed too. Riffin isn't my owner, and I hate that these two twits are talking over me as if I'm not even here. "I want the job," I say stubbornly. "I can work with anyone." The refugee is male, so he's probably a little unruly, but it's nothing I can't handle. A little sweetness and a willingness to listen go a long way. I can have this guy eating out of my hand in a week. "I'll work with this Crulden."
"Sir," Riffin says, leaning in. He gives his officer a meaningful look and they eyeball each other. "It's dangerous."
"We'll have her well protected, cadet," Novis promises my boyfriend. "Don't worry. She'll fail at taming him, and she'll leave both of us alone about this job request."
"I can hear both of you," I exclaim. "I'm not deaf, just short!"
Novis ignores me and gives Riffin a smug smile. "She has a week. If he doesn't show improvement in that week, the entire thing is off. Then we all walk away winners." He nods at my mesakkah boyfriend, barely glances at me, and then marches down the hall with his data pad. "Have her at the security barracks first thing in the morning. No perfumes. Crulden has a sensitive nose." He pauses and looks back at Riffin. "And no mating."
I make a sound of protest that's ignored by everyone. "We're just dating!"
I'm so mad at Riffin for interfering that I give him the silent treatment for the rest of the day, and when he tries to comm me that night, I ignore him again. Here I am, trying to be a bastion of cheerfulness and they acted like I was as dumb as a stump. I'm determined to show them, though.