Page 4 of Loving Luca
When he finished the set, he thanked his devoted audience, came and lifted me off the stool, and twirled me around. His behavior frightened me. Even though Luca always was affectionate and caring with me, tonight he seemed intent on sending a different message. I wasn’t sure what was going on with him, but my heart beat violently, and the hope I’d held on to most of my life was ignited and burned brighter than it ever had before.
“Wanna get out of here?”
“You made me come all the way here only to leave after an hour?” I asked, exasperated.
“I just came to play that set. Now it’s done and we can bounce. I really only want to be with you. Let me just get my guitar,” he said. Luca turned his back on me as he began to pack his things.
I only want to be with you.
How the hell was I supposed to take that? What did he mean? This whole day had felt off. He was acting strange, saying stuff that was out of the norm, avoiding hot girls. Mind you, I never saw him with any girls. He was always polite, but he barely acknowledged their advances. Actually, now that I thought of it, for a guy so popular and good-looking, he didn’t date much. Luca just seemed like he was friendly with everyone. Serious relationships weren’t on his horizon.
“That set was sweet, wasn’t it? He’s going places. I’m sure you’ll be sad once he’s gone.” Madeline appeared out of the crowd, unwanted and sudden. I knew she was right. Luca was meant for bigger and better things, but I avoided the idea because I dreaded the day when I’d no longer have him in my life.
I nodded at her while fear gripped my heart. What would a world without Luca look like?
“At least you can say you knew him before he was famous,” she gloated. Her voice was ice cold. She abruptly walked away when she saw Luca coming back.
“What’d the viper want?” he asked nonchalantly. His choice of words made me smile.
“Now now, Luca. You shouldn’t be talking like that about one of your biggest fans.”
“She’s not a fan. She’s a groupie. She also doesn’t get the damn hint. For the record, I’m not fucking interested. Let’s go, lady. I have dinner plans.”
My heart sank at his words, Luca was going to drop me off and then go and start his real Friday night.
“Dinner sounds good. Is it a date?” I heard my own voice shaking. I shouldn’t have cared, but I did. Jealousy didn’t look good on anyone, especially me.
“Yes, a date with the best girl. She’s something else, a force to be reckoned with.”
His words devastated me more than they should have. Luca and I were best friends. I had no right to opinion about who he had dinner with. A lone tear started to roll down my cheek, and I quickly swiped it away. What did I want from him? Confusion was an understatement. I didn’t realize how inextricably my feelings were woven with his.
Luca immediately put down his guitar and clasped me to him. His brotherly concern was what I’d come to expect from him.
“Hey now. If you don’t want me to call you special, just tell me. You know I can’t handle this waterworks bullshit.”
I swallowed the frog in my throat and smiled through my embarrassment. Luca was taking me to dinner, and I was being a huge baby about it.
“Shit,” I stammered. “You were talking about me.” I really didn’t know what else to say.
Luca laughed, boisterous and joyful at my awkwardness. “Let’s get out of here, and I’ll explain everything. You’re ruining all my plans. Can we talk while we eat?”
The way Luca looked at me had evolved, and I knew it. The undercurrents of his gaze were no longer playful but serious and heartfelt.
The restaurant, a small Italian bistro that opened a year ago that I’d been dying to try, was impossible to secure reservations for without a direct connection to the owners. I didn’t know how Luca pulled it off or how much the extravagance was costing him, but I felt pretty damn special, and I knew it was a night I’d remember for a long time to come.
I was struck speechless when the hostess ushered us to our table. Luca had requested a private room, where it really would be just the two of us. Soft shadows from candlelight flickered on the tables that held floral centerpieces of Gerbera daisies. Those were my favorite flowers, a detail Luca knew and must have shared with them in advance. The whole scene had me shaken. It was weird and out of character for my best friend. Madeline’s words crept back into my mind. She was right. Luca was going places, and this was probably his way of saying goodbye to his best friend. I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned to him, desperate for some answers.