Page 36 of Virgin Mistress, Scandalous Love-Child
“Come for me,” he whispered hoarsely. She desperately shook her head. She couldn't let herself surrender again. If she did, she would be accepting far more than just pleasure. She would be accepting her fate. She would love him completely, holding nothing back.
“Always so stubborn,” he whispered. “We will see who wins.”
He lowered his head between her legs. She felt the warmth of his breath between her thighs, felt his fingers stretch her wide. She felt his rough tongue against her core, licking first with the tip and then lapping her with the full breadth of his tongue. And shaking, she could bear it no more. Writhing beneath him, her back arched from the bed as her desperate cry exploded from her lips.
The instant she gasped aloud, he moved. Positioning himself between her legs, he pushed inside her with a slow, deep thrust. For an instant, she felt split apart even as her body shook with impossible pleasure. Then he thrust again. Each was deeper than the last. Her hips moved to join him as he pushed inside her, riding her hard and deep. For Ellie the pleasure was so close to pain that it pushed her higher still, turning her cry of surrender into a scream that she barely recognized as her own.
She felt the muscles of his back tense beneath her touch. He thrust into her one last time with an explosive, triumphant roar. Then he collapsed against her.
It took several long minutes before she came back to earth. She heard the pant of her own breath mingled with his. Felt the slick sweat of their bodies between them. She realized he was still holding her tightly. As if, she thought in wonder, she were a life raft and he was a drowning man.
She looked down at his dark head, his handsome face pressed against her naked chest.
She'd once promised herself then that when she grew up, she would have a marriage of best friends. Of equals. Partners.
This was nothing like those sweet girlish dreams. There was nothing of heaven in this marriage. This was earthy. Dark. Hot. These were the sweaty, physical, real seductions of hell.
And this man…this dark prince who'd stolen every aspect of her innocence…was he a devil? Or something else?
Could she be happy as his wife?
Knowing she shared him with other women? No.
But if by some miracle he could be faithful…
He abruptly opened his eyes. “The babies.” Immediately, he rolled off her. “Did I hurt them?”
She shook her head. Biting her lip, she hesitated. “I was wondering…”
Did she dare ask her question? Can you give up your other women, and be faithful to me alone?
He stretched out next to her on the large bed, supple and satisfied as a well-fed lion. “Come sleep with me.” Gently, he pulled her back into his arms to nestle against his chest.
It felt good. Too good. In spite of her fear and jealousy over thoughts of Diogo's other women, she felt herself growing drowsy within the comfort and security of his arms. As she dropped off to sleep in the full brightness of day, she listened to the roar of the surf and the birds calling from beyond the sea.
And she found herself wanting to stay safe in Diogo's strong arms—forever.
ELLIE WOKE HUNGRIER than she'd ever been in her life.
For several moments she listened to Diogo's deep, even breathing next to her. Outside, she could hear the exotic songs of birds in the bright full morning. Then she smiled.
What her husband had done to her since dawn. Multiple times. They'd both been so exhausted, they'd finally fallen asleep in each other's arms….
She blushed. Diogo was her husband. The thought astounded her. And what a wedding night—or morning!
Her stomach growled again, more loudly this time. Putting her hand on her belly, she reassured her hungry babies that breakfast was on the way. She climbed softly out of bed and put on an oversized, white cotton robe. Careful not to wake Diogo, she padded into the kitchen. She found peppermint tea in the cupboard and put the kettle on. She stuck some thickly cut bread into the toaster, then slathered both pieces in butter. One piece for each baby. After all, if the babies wanted extra butter and strawberry jam, who was she to deny them their heart's desire?
Smiling broadly, she took her peppermint tea and toast and went outside. Leaving the sliding glass door open behind her, she sat out on the patio to look out at the afternoon sun sparkling across the infinity pool and the ocean beneath the cliffs.
Looking out at the diamond-bright shimmer across the sapphire water, she realized she felt something she'd never expected.
Happiness. Wide, inexplicable joy.
She took a deep breath of the fresh, salty air. The white sand beach was peaceful and the ocean seemed impossibly blue in the hot Brazilian sunlight. A slight breeze swayed the palm trees over the far-off cliffs.