Page 29 of Virgin Mistress, Scandalous Love-Child
Diogo, on the other hand, was fresh and impeccably dressed. He looked crisp and handsome. He'd shaved and changed. He now wore gray slacks, a sharp gray vest and crisp yellow shirt. The elegant cut of his clothes only emphasized the hard-muscled body of the warrior beneath.
She wondered what he'd done last night.
She wasn't jealous, she told herself fiercely. She wasn't even going to ask. He could go out every night with swimsuit models for all she cared. Ellie would, in fact, be glad because it meant he wasn't trying to seduce her.
“Bom dia, amorzão.” Diogo held a silver tray. She saw eggs and toast and fruit on a china plate, orange juice in a crystal glass—and a single red rose. “I've brought you breakfast.”
She sat up straight in bed. “Breakfast?” she said hopefully as her stomach growled.
But as he leaned over her, placing the tray over her lap, she smelled his woodsy soap on his skin and felt the warmth of his masculine body, and suddenly had to fight hunger for more than just toast.
“Did you sleep well?”
She quickly looked up, hoping he hadn't caught her ogling his backside. “Yes, thank you.”
He returned her smile frankly. “How am I doing?”
“At what?”
“At serving you.”
She glanced down at the rose on the tray. “You could probably get a job at a Dairy Burger, if the steel business doesn't work out.”
His smile spread into a grin. “Obrigado.” He opened the napkin and set it on her lap. “I have a busy day planned for us.”
“You're not going to work today?”
“No, I am going to show you my city. I want you to love it as I do.”
“Does it matter?” He quirked an eyebrow. “Take me up on my offer. Unless, of course, you've already had your fill of billionaire tour guides in exotic foreign cities.”
“Well…” It was tempting. She'd certainly always dreamed of traveling as a girl. But…
She took a bite of toast, then resolutely shook her head. “You're not going to change my mind with a little sightseeing, Diogo. After the babies are born, I'm taking them home.”
“Home can mean a lot of things. A city. A building.” Taking the red rose from the vase on the tray, he gently stroked her cheek with the velvety petals. “Home can mean family.”
The sensation of the rose against her skin caused a shiver to spread down her body—then she felt an answering flutter below her heart, even stronger than the one she'd felt yesterday. And this time, she knew. It wasn't her heartbeat.
It was her baby.
She gave a little gasp, sitting straight up in bed, pushing away the rose and the tray and the blankets. She put her hands on her belly. She couldn't feel anything on the outside. But inside…
“What?” Diogo leaned over her with anxiety. “What's wrong? I'll get the doctor.”
“No.” She felt the flutter again. Tiny, barely noticeable… but there. “I felt one of the babies move!”
“You did?” His usual arrogant expression dissipated. He looked strangely unsure of himself.
“Yes.” With a delighted laugh, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly. “Right here.”
He waited. “I don't feel anything.”
She moved his hand above her hip bone. “You will.” She sighed. “Although it might take a few months.”
He looked down at her.
“I can wait if you can,” he said quietly.
The air between them electrified. With his hand on her belly, standing over her on the bed, she felt her heart pound. Her eyes dilated. She couldn't breathe.
“I… I won't be your mistress, Diogo,” she whispered.
He allowed himself a small, private smile. “I don't want you to be.”
He didn't want her anymore?
She should have been relieved, but at his words, a cold pain ripped through her heart. She abruptly released his hand, and the baby fluttered in protest.
I'm not going to ask him where he was last night. I'm not, she told herself fiercely. I have too much pride….
“Where were you last night?” she blurted out, then could have kicked herself.
“Where was I?” He tilted his head, looking down at her. “Only my wife would have the right to ask such a question.”
“Any wife of yours wouldn't want to know,” she muttered. “She'd probably have a heart attack.”
“Ellie.” He knelt next to the bed. “You have no cause to be jealous. I was home shortly after you fell asleep.”
“Home from where?” Her voice came out an indignant squeak and her cheeks flooded with embarrassment. “And I'm not jealous!”