Page 66 of His Merciless Marriage Bargain
d expects everyone to adjust and accommodate his whims.”
Gio laughed softly. “Thank goodness you understand your Marcellos.”
“You’re all a lot of work!”
“And now you’ll have one more.”
Her tense expression eased, her lips curving. “Thank goodness I love little boys.” She looked up into her husband’s eyes. “I just want him healthy. I’m scared that he’s coming too soon.”
“Not all babies go full-term. I was early. He’ll be perfect. I promise.”
“He doesn’t have to be perfect. I will love him however he is.”
“I know you will. You are the best mother, the best wife.” Gio kissed her again. “Bella Rachel, ti amo.”
She blinked back tears. “I love you, too.” She gripped his hand tighter. “I think the next contraction is starting. They’re coming faster and closer.” She blinked and exhaled, trying to remember her breathing, trying not to panic. “Oh, I just want to get there. I really don’t want to give birth in a motorboat.”
He leaned over, kissed her forehead. “We’re almost there.”
She clenched his hand hard as the contraction made everything tighten. “Oh—oh, Gio. This is serious.”
The boat was slowing, the lights of the mainland ahead of them. “I see the ambulance,” he said. “We’re here. You’re going to be fine.”
“I don’t know if fine is the word,” she panted, “but as long as I’m not delivering in a speedboat, I won’t complain. You know I love Venice, but this is a bit much.”
He smiled at her, but didn’t answer, too intent on helping her breathe through the pain. “I love you,” he whispered as the contraction eased. “And I’m so proud of you. Together we have created the most extraordinary life.”
Gio repeated the very same words less than an hour later as he held his newborn son, a boy they’d already decided to name Antonio after Gio’s beloved brother.
Rachel blinked back tears as she watched Giovanni walk around her hospital room, cradling their son, murmuring to their newborn in Italian.
She still wasn’t fluent in Italian but she understood what he was saying to baby Antonio.
I love you, my beautiful boy.
Her eyes stung all over again, her heart so very full.
They’d come full circle, she thought, and what an astonishing circle it was. Full of love and hope and the happy-ever-after she’d thought was only found in fairy tales.
Which must mean fairy tales did come true. At least, in Venice they did.
* * * * *