Page 44 of Scandalize Me
She didn’t know why she felt compelled to tease him until she felt his teeth against her flesh, the little nip a punishment and a reward at once, and she smiled.
“You were right,” he told her, his mouth against the tender side of her breast, his tough hands spread out over her back, keeping her arched up before him, his to feast on as he wished. “I use my body as a weapon. And you like it.”
She felt his smile against her skin, then he turned his attention to her other breast, going back and forth between them with exquisite patience until she was writhing beneath him, as desperate and wild as if he’d only just begun. As if he hadn’t thrown her over that cliff twice already.
“I need to taste you everywhere,” he told her, that smile in his voice, in the press of his mouth to her flesh. “I can’t get enough.”
She felt the dangerous scrape of his teeth against her neck, the magic of his tongue. She explored his chest with shaking hands, the glorious strength in his cut shoulders, each taut ridge of his wonder of an abdomen she’d first seen rise before her from the water in that hot tub, sleek and warm. He smelled of something spicy and tasted of salt and man, and she couldn’t get enough of him. When he crawled all the way up and settled himself between her legs, so hard and so big and so impossibly perfect, she almost toppled over that edge again, simply from the slick sweetness of the way they fit.
As if you were made for this, a little voice sang in her head. For him.
He propped himself above her, moving his hands to either side of her head and holding them there, and there was no sign of a smile on his beautiful face now, no trace of that laughter. There was only the stamp of need, a ferocity she felt deep within her. There was only that searing blue gaze, serious and intent.
Zoe’s heart stuttered, then began to beat low and hard and long. She was cradling his tough, hard body with hers, and it turned her to liquid, molten and scalding.
“You want to be in control, don’t you?” he asked, and everything about him was too dangerous, so dangerous it very nearly hurt. She could feel the press of him, pinning her to the bed, the hard thrust of him still in his trousers, but flush against her heat. Her need.
She’d had no idea it was possible to need anything this much. She wouldn’t have thought she was capable of it. And yet it scalded her. It poured through her. It made her feel like someone else. Someone as strong as he was, and as dangerous.
As unbroken.
“Always,” she managed to say, scraping together what remained of her bravado—but it came out sounding very nearly wistful, and she saw he felt that, too. In the way his blue eyes darkened. In the way he shifted against her, a roll of his hips that sent a delicious lightning bolt of a promise stealing through her, making her breath tight and erratic at once.
“I want to be inside you,” he said. Like an invocation. “So deep you can’t tell which one of us is which. So hard that when I come, you’ll think it’s you.”
Heat coursed through her, pooling between her legs, making her shift and roll, anything to feel that length of him hard against her softness, the next best thing—
“Zoe.” It was a command. “Make it happen. Now.”
She blinked, almost insane with wanting him. Understanding took a long, breathless beat, then another, as if her brain didn’t want to work.
“You want me complicit.”
“Absolutely no plausible deniability,” he agreed, his gaze even hotter, making her restless beneath him.
“And if I don’t do it?”
“I don’t think that’s going to happen.” The wolf was in his eyes then, that hard curve of his mouth. Then in the way he moved his hips against hers again, making her breath hitch, sending more of that lightning crashing through her, flooding into all those dark places she’d locked away. “But if it does, you’ll get to sleep empty and lonely and cold and alone. And in complete control. Is that what you want?”
“What if I can’t decide?” She moved her hips with his, meeting him in that ancient dance, wrapping her legs around him and indulging herself in his steel length, pressed so hard against the part of her that needed it the most. Flames licked over her and she needed. She wanted. “What if this is enough for me?”
Hunter laughed, and then he dipped his head, and kissed her.
But it was better than a kiss. It stripped her bare. It was a carnal taking, a slick domination, and she thrilled to every slide of his tongue against hers, every hint of his teeth, the knowledge that he had the kind of willpower to hold them like this forever, slowly unraveling her. And that he would do it, if that was what it took.