Page 8 of Guarding Her Body
“Mom.” Locke steps in front of me, giving me his back. I don’t know if he’s having a face-off with his mom or what, but it’s sweet. “She’ll get, I’ll—”
I put my hand on his back, and he stops talking. My fingers itch to explore, but I don’t.
“She’s right.” I can feel some of the tension melt from Locke’s muscles.
He clearly doesn't know how to handle thinking he has to be between his mom and me. Which is ridiculous because I would never want him to be in that position. I loved hearing how he talked about his mom. It showed me how much he respects her. From what he’s said about her, I know she's a full-on mom. And if I didn’t know it before, her dropping in and mom-ing me already proves it.
“See, you need to feed her.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing when I see his mom’s hand come down on Locke’s arm, and she pushes him to the side. He goes easily.
“Mom.” He starts to cut her off, but really it’s pointless. She’s a woman determined, and there’s no stopping her.
“I swear I taught him better than this. You’ll have to excuse him. This bringing girls home thing is new to him, so maybe he’s rusty,” she says with a teasing smile that meets her eyes. “Wow, I thought you were pretty on my TV screen, but you’re really something else in person. Breathtaking.”
“Thank you.” My face rushes with heat. I know she’s only being nice. I probably look a hot mess, considering I don’t have a spec of makeup on.
“Come.” She takes my hand, leading me out of the bedroom and back toward the kitchen.
“You really decorated this entire house?”
“Someone had to do something, but it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if anyone changed some things around.” She winks at me.
“It’s beautiful already, ma’am.”
“Ma’am? Call me Marie or Mom if you want.” Her face softens. “I read about your mother.” She gives my hand a squeeze. “I’m guessing some of it is true since she’s not around you anymore. No mother should do that.” A lump forms in my throat. “Now, what do you want to eat?” She changes the subject, having said what she wanted on the topic and not wanting to pry for more.
“Anything, really.” I peek over my shoulder to see Locke looming in the doorway to the kitchen, watching us.
“What is this?” She grabs the script I must have dropped. She reaches out to touch it but pulls her hand back.
“It’s fine. If you can keep a secret.”
“To the grave,” she vows, making an X over her heart. “This is a Beckstrand film? Those are racy.” She wiggles her eyebrows. Her easygoing nature makes me feel comfortable.
“I’m not sure if I’m getting the part,” I rush to say. “Or that I even want it.”
“Locke could practice some lines with you, I bet. He took theatre in middle school.” I let out a laugh, stealing another peek over my shoulder at him. I was not expecting her to say that.
“It was required. Everyone had to take it,” he grumbles, stepping more into the kitchen. I slip onto one of the chairs at the island and watch as he and his mom go back and forth.
For a few hours, I forget about the rest of the world and what’s going on in my life.
I feel like a normal girl for once.
Too bad I’ll never actually be one.
Chapter Six
The front gate beeps in my ear. “Locke, we got a problem. Guy out here demanding to see Ms. Monroe. Says he’s not leaving until we let him in or she comes out. Sending photo image now.”
I open the file and see Charlie Wright’s mug fill my phone. She says they’re good friends and that he’d never betray her. Our questioning of him hasn’t led to any conclusions otherwise, but I’m not a fan of his. Hell, I’m not a fan of any man being around her, but this isn’t my call to make.
“Charlie Wright is here,” I inform her.
“Oh, Charlie?” Mom nearly claps and jumps up and down like a child. “Can we let him in? I want to tell him how much I liked him in that horse movie. What was it?”
“Ride the Wind?” Sadie supplies.
“That’s right. I went to bed for weeks imagining him riding up to me on that black horse with his long hair flowing behind him. It’s such a shame he had to cut it for Game Changer. No offense, Sadie.”
“None taken!” She beams cheerfully. “Charlie loved his long hair, but it wouldn’t have looked right. I promise when you see the movie, it will all make sense. Yes, can we let him in?”
The two women look at me with expectant and hopeful expressions which makes me scowl. I haven’t spent a second in the same space as Wright, but I already know I can’t stand him. “Yeah, I guess.”