Page 2 of Guarding Her Body
“I’m good.” He gives me a skeptical look. “Really,” I lie.
“For an actress you’re a terrible liar.” I snort a laugh.
“I guess I have another meeting here after this.”
“At a hotel?” He lifts a brow.
“Right! That’s what I’m saying, but this one is with a security company.”
“Which one?”
“Locke Security?”
Nathan lets out a whistle at the name of the company. “They’re good, from what I’ve heard. It takes more than money to be one of their clients. You have to be referred to them.”
“That Detective Benson gave me their card. He made a call for me.” My phone beeps in my hand. “Crap. Sorry. I’ll text you when I’m all done.”
“Good luck. I’m going to hang around here. Text me if you need something.”
“Thanks.” I slip from the car as someone from the hotel opens the back door for me. I give them a smile, making my way toward the elevator and up to the top floor.
I suck in a deep breath, trying to get myself ready. It’s totally not creepy to be doing this at a hotel. Randle is a big shot director. This could open up a whole other world of acting gigs for you. Don’t get yourself stuck in the romcom box. That’s what my mom would be saying right now. I can still hear her in my head even if it’s been a few months since we last talked.
I don’t see what's wrong with romcom. I’m not sure I can pull sexy off. Or that I even want to try. The few kisses I had to do on set with Charlie in Game Changer were so weird for me. At least we’re friends, so that helped some.
It didn't help with the tabloids, though. They are now sure that we’re a thing, which both our managers and agents are letting everyone believe to help hype up the movie. I can’t wait for it to come out so all of this can settle down some. I don’t even want to be at this audition today. I’d requested to take a break for a while. I wanted to reevaluate things in my life with everything that went down with my mom. But Randle had insisted to Blake I was perfect for this role. That he had to meet with me now. Saying no to his request could be me creating career suicide.
I raise my hand to knock on the door, but it opens before I can. A slow smile spreads across Randle’s face. My eyes are almost level with his. I was told not to wear heels today. He’s only a few inches taller than me, which isn’t saying much. I’m barely five foot five.
It’s why my mom said modeling was never on the table for me. I'm way too short. I’d gotten a handful of modeling gigs over the years, but she always said it was because I’d made a name for myself and could now get away with my height.
“Miss Monroe.” I hold my hand out. He takes it, pulling me into the hotel room, the door falling closed behind us. I freeze as he wraps his other arm around me in a hug. His mouth brushes across my cheek.
My whole body locks up when I realize he’s pressing his hard-on into me. I try to pull back, but he only tightens the hold.
“I’ve been dying to meet you,” he whispers against my ear. “You’re even more stunning close up.”
“Thank you,” I get out. I pull back again. Thankfully, this time he releases his hold on me but doesn’t move away. Every instinct inside of me starts to rise to the surface, telling me I need to get out of here.
“You’re going to have to get used to men being close if you want to play the part of Angela Jane. She’s all about seduction.” He winks at me. “Let me get you a drink.”
“No thank you.” The words rush past my lips. I take a step back, glancing around the hotel room, wanting to look anywhere but at him. The palms of my hands start to sweat.
“Trust me. I think you’re going to need it. I’ll make you one while you change.”
“Change?” I ask, confused. I glance down. I’m in a sundress and a pair of white slip-on sneakers.
“The girl-next-door vibe is cute, but I want sexy.” His eyes openly travel down my body and back up, making me feel all but naked. I fight not to fold my arms over my chest to try and hide myself. Neither of us make a move as the silence starts to stretch in the room.
“Is there a problem?” His tone changes. The warning is clear in it. I open my mouth to say something, but no words come out. “You can change there.” He nods toward a door. “Go,” he snaps at me.