Page 18 of Gentle Scars (To Be Claimed 2)
“This is already going better than expected,” Remy comments offhandedly as he does.
“Have a seat.” Alec motions toward the longer sofa and I sit close to the middle while catching Lizzie’s eyes so she’ll know to sit next to me. She follows my lead and takes my hand in a firm grasp as she gets comfortable. Devin sits to my left and places a firm hand on my thigh.
“Maybe it’s best if only one of you accompanies your mate. Perhaps Caleb?” Natalia purrs as Caleb and Dom both prepare to sit next to Lizzie. The two of them share a look for a moment and then Dom nods, giving Lizzie a small kiss before stalking to a smaller sofa.
“Your statements will need to be genuine. You cannot mention anything about being mates.” Lizzie nods as Alec gives his instructions.
“What exactly can we and can’t we—” I start to ask, but the bitch in the corner interrupts me.
“Do you think you could control your mate, Devin?” Natalia asks with a devilish smirk.
“He doesn’t need to control me,” I practically snarl.
“She’ll be fine.” His large hand finds mine, but I refuse to take it. I didn’t ask for this. It’s not right and perhaps I am bitter I’ve been lied to my entire life before being plucked from my existence and thrown into a world with entirely new rules. Even worse, I’m given no grace in that fact.
“I don’t believe it.” The vampire turns away dismissively and faces Remy. “She’s going to ruin everything. It can’t be live.”
Remy responds as though we aren’t in the room. “We should just give them back; it’s not worth the risk.”
“There’s no risk. Grace will follow my lead.”
“I don’t believe you. It’s obvious you have no control over her.” Remy dips his chin toward Devin’s hand on my thigh and adds, “She can’t even follow simple commands.”
“I listen to my mate.” My nostrils flare slightly as I try to get a grip on my composure. I hate that this prick is getting to me.
“I want to see you bow to him then.” A smug smile crosses his face and I have an intense urge to smack it off.
“My mate is only concerned with what pleases me.” Power and anger radiate from Devin. Remy noticeably cowers and Natalia narrows her eyes at him, obviously displeased by his reaction to my mate’s harsh tone.
Devin’s dominance suffocates the room and it’s a heady feeling. Devin’s silver eyes pierce mine. His aggravation lingers in his words, but I know it’s not intended for me. “Do you think it would please me to have you bow to me simply because he,” he sneers the word, “wants you to?”
Pride flows through me as I relax my shoulders and lean into him to stare into his gaze. “I think it would please you if I sucked your dick in front of them.” I purr with a flirtatious smile as my hand gently strokes his inner thigh. I must still be in heat because the idea turns me on. I hadn’t intended for the comment to be taken seriously, but as I picture myself on my knees between his legs, taking his cock into my mouth in front of everyone to see, a warmth flutters in my lower belly. So much so that I almost drop to my knees in front of him. My aching core clenches in need as I lick my lips.
“These are the mates that gave you so much trouble? A broken wolf and a bitch in heat?” Natalia’s words break the haze of lust clouding my judgment. Alec looks between his two companions with obvious revulsion.
Dom snarls and Caleb’s smile slips as he glares at Natalia.
“Enough!” Alec reprimands his colleagues.
My heart hurts for Lizzie. Broken wolf. She blows off the comment with the joyful laugh she’s known for, all while shrugging and rolling her eyes. I know it hurts her, though. I can see it in her expression.
“Carol will be here in five. Then we’ll get this press conference done and over with.” Alec walks to the window to study the forest with a stern look on his face. I don’t understand how he’s aligned with the two of these pricks. I’m also not sure who he is. Or what he is.
“I see you have a new pet, Veronica.” Remy’s eyes travel along Veronica’s body with obvious desire. It surprises me since I figured he was with Natalia. Even more unexpected is Natalia’s heated gaze at his comment.
“I’m her mate.” Vince’s strong voice is relaxed. He’s not threatened in the least. The lack of offense seems to take the wind out of Remy’s sails.
“You let the dogs speak for you now?” Natalia picks up where Remy left off. What a fucking bitch! All eyes turn to Veronica for her response. She tilts her chin up slightly and leans into Vince’s embrace, which makes him smile. She kisses his cheek and then turns to face me.