Page 15 of Gentle Scars (To Be Claimed 2)
“Yes. As I was saying, the blood banks aren’t enough. Our research indicates that the overwhelming majority of the Shadow Falls residents do not give blood. We’re willing to pay them substantially for their donations.”
“The Authority has approved this?”
“Only on the premise that it’s run by humans and that they are not privy to any information involving vampires.”
I pause, picking up the sound of tires on the long, winding driveway. Someone is coming. I listen closer.
“What does the coven—” I hold my hand up, interrupting Devin’s question. I shouldn’t have disrespected him, but I act without thinking.
“Are you expecting company?” I ask.
“No.” His silver eyes narrow.
I barely hear the voice, but I instantly recognize it. Yet another distraction. Chills trail down my spine. I may not have feared a den of wolves, but I certainly fear who’s coming next.
“The Authority is here.”
Part II
Wolf in Pain
“Who the fuck is the Authority?”
It feels like with every turn I make, there’s something new I haven’t been told. Every time I try to take control, my life is ripped from my possession. This man beside me … he’s keeping things from me and I can feel it with every bit of marrow in my bones.
His jaw clenches hard at my question and I can tell he’s debating on what he should say. “You told me you would tell me everything, Devin.” I can barely contain my frustration as I force out the words. From the corner of my eye, I see Jude cower at my hostility to his Alpha. It almost makes me regret it. Almost. He says I’m his mate and therefore his equal, but he’s not treating me like it.
I barely have a grip on anything, let alone any choices in these matters.
Devin seems unbothered by my tone and that pisses me off even more. “The Authority is in charge of communications between and within species. They formed an alliance with the humans and enacted laws to prevent certain instances from occurring.” I narrow my eyes at his sanitized response.
“Instances such as the one that occurred yesterday at the offering.” Veronica elaborates, her bewitching voice demanding my attention, the faint accent only adding to her beauty. Her tanned skin is flawless, while the way she carries herself is both demure and yet superior. I still don’t know what to make of her.
She’s a vampire and that alone sends up red flags. I hardly heard a word out of her mouth because every time her lips moved I could only stare at her fangs. She’s provocative and the embodiment of female strength; both things I value highly, yet I find myself on guard. She has a seductive aura I don’t trust.
Although she’s not the only one I hesitate to trust.
“So they’re like the werewolf police?”
Veronica’s feminine laugh echoes in the kitchen. She smiles, revealing those sharp fangs, and tells me, “The Authority looks out for themselves, first and foremost. Very little of what they do involves justice.”
“They can be very just in their actions, Veronica.” Devin’s response is slightly reprimanding.
“Just because they can be doesn’t mean they have been. They often choose a route that will instill fear and maintain their position in power. Would you not agree?”
Vince cocks a brow at his mate and her tone. Rather than overriding her, as Devin’s done to me, he smirks, nodding slightly and waiting for Devin’s response.
“At times.” He concedes as his hand finds mine under the table.
That feels far more like equality than “hush now, I’ll fill you in later.”
The fact that she is Vince’s mate is the only reason I’m not terrified of her. Devin assured me. Hell, maybe I do trust him. I don’t know what to think about anything anymore.
“I’m certain they’re here because of last night.” Veronica nods her head in agreement and runs her fingernails lightly along Vince’s upturned hand, almost as if she’s not aware she’s touching him. My heart skips a beat. I wonder if she feels this too? This overwhelming need to be with her mate like I do with Devin.
It’s heady and confusing. It feels like something else is taking over my body and, if I’m being honest, it’s terrifying. The word “fate” has lost the comfort it used to hold.
“What do you mean?” I’m sure he’s referring to the offering, but I don’t understand what it has to do with them.
“Generally speaking, there isn’t any resistance at the offerings. Mates go willingly. Humans hardly fight for those who don’t mind being taken. You fainted after fighting me and Liz had to be carried out while she resisted and screamed.”
I can feel the blood drain from my face. “Oh.” I bite the inside of my cheek. They’re here because they think we aren’t their mates. Lizzie sulks in Caleb’s arms.
“I’m certain the response to the scene has been less than pleasant on the human side of relations, which will piss off the Authority. They prefer to keep the masses content.”