Page 75 of Razor's Edge (Underworld Kings)
“The last thing I want to do is be a burden on either of you. I’d like to be the opposite. What’s the opposite of a burden? An asset?” But I’d be the first to admit that being a convicted murderer, time served or not, was an asset to no one.
“You’re not a burden,” Adele and Ellison said practically in unison.
“Let’s take it slow, how’s that sound to everyone?”
“Good. Uncle Fox texted. He said he’ll bring pizzas over and we can all watch the game together.”
“But Charlie is coming over tonight. He knows Fridays are Charlie’s night,” Ellison said.
“God, parents are so thick, I swear,” Adele muttered. “Can we pick up ice cream afterwards?”
Fox and the redhead. Not the worst idea I ever heard.
This time, on the way to the car, Ellison was the one to grab my hand.
I interwove my fingers with hers and pulled her hand into my chest. I brought it to my mouth and gave it a quick kiss. When Ellison looked up at me, her eyes told me ‘thank you.’
I was so eager to please her, my heart swelled with her simple gratitude.
Baby steps, I reminded myself.
But a kiss on the hand was still a kiss.
Chapter 42
Charlie roared in like a bullet train wearing a pink dress so bright, it made me blink my eyes. She kissed my cheek and Adele’s and said hello to Calvin cordially.
“I had a dream about you,” she told him, pointing at his face. Charlie was brash, she often didn’t take into consideration who she’s talking to. Maybe if she did, she’d adjust her behavior accordingly. But then she wouldn’t be Charlie.
“Remind me later to tell you. A couple of tips for your safety and what you should look out for going forward.” She helped herself to a wine glass as poured a massive glass.
Fox came in the back door and shook off the rain that suddenly came in a downpour. He hung up his cut and set three large pizzas down on the counter before washing his hands.
He kissed the three of us on the cheek and offered a fist bump to Calvin. I was hoping there’s no animosity between them and that Calvin didn’t resent Fox for helping us out.
Fox used to say he owed everything to Cal, for saving their lives, for keeping their mother alive, for taking the fall. Before the sentencing, we didn’t know if Calvin would be in for life. Thankfully Calvin’s sentence was light and they had another chance to be brothers again.
Adele pulled out plates and we dove into the pizzas. My heart felt full with these four people in my kitchen. I wished I could bottle it up and save it for days when things were less than perfect.
“So what’s new in the illegal motorcycle club world,” Charlie asked Fox between bites of pizza.
“Wouldn’t you like to know. Or shouldn’t you like already actually know? Being a clairvoyant and all?”
“Shut up, Fox. Just because I have divination power doesn’t mean that I don’t have manners. Small talk is an essential social skill. Welcome to the regular world.”
“Are you trying to insult the MC, Charlie, cause I could take you down there and show you around if you like?”
“Ugh! Get a room,” Adele groaned as she adeptly poured Coke into glasses from a two-liter bottle.
Fox grabbed a beer from the fridge and tossed one clear across the room to Cal who caught it seamlessly. He popped the top on the edge of the counter and handed the beer to me.
“I don’t remember if you like beer or not. I guess we didn’t drink a ton.”
“I like beer,” I said to him, feeling shy. “I don’t just keep it in my fridge for Fox alone.”
“I thought they were Adele’s,” he said. I cracked a smile. Fox tossed him another and he expertly popped the top on the counter and took a long pull.
“Ask before you drink all my beer,” Adele told him on her way to the living room.
“I love that kid,” Calvin said into my ear.
“Me too,” I told Calvin. He grabbed my hand again and we walked into the living room together.
Charlie and Fox bickered the entire game. Of course they’re rooting for opposing teams and it gave them more reason to play-hate each other. We ate pizza and drank beer and Adele fell sound asleep in a chair.
“I’ll walk her upstairs,” Calvin volunteered when she started to snore.
“Second room on the left,” Fox let him know.
Watching Calvin lift his Adele in his arms did me in. It’s what I longed for for so many years. I wanted to see his arms wrapped around her in the hospital, on her first day of school, when she fell off her bike and broke her arm last year. Finally, it’s here and I found it hard to contain myself.