Page 7 of Filthy (Diamondback MC 5)
“You, okay?” Cole breaks through my fog.
“I guess so. I mean, I feel like my whole body has been beaten to hell. Surprise, it has,” I make the driest joke of the century.
“Yeah, you could say that. I guess it’s my turn to let you know what’s going on. First, I’m not apologizing for going through your phone and calling your parents. The other thing I’m not apologizing for is, Shovel and Persephone are at your place, packing what they can. The last thing is, you’re gonna stay with me for a while. I’ve talked to your parents. I know you’re a grown woman. Fuck do I know you’re a grown woman, baby, but they had to know my intentions and this dance you and I have been dancing the past couple of months.” Cole moves closer, his presence filling up the whole room.
“Well, you kind of hinted at those things, and I did agree on them, but what else aren’t you telling me?” I no sooner get those words in than there’s a knock on the door. Once again, everything is back on hold, and if I were feeling better, not so weak, I’d demand Cole to tell me right now. But I know that the knock on the door is the cardiologist Cole spoke about, and that’s probably more important than ever.
I saw the worry etched on Fallon’s face when Jamie, known as Dr. Stone, walked in and spoke about her heart, how it’s not working like it should, causing her to have heart palpitations and that what happened to her only amplified it. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she mumbled, “That nurse was right. He could very well kill me one of these times.”
“Well, for starters, the blood thinner won’t kill you. Doc has mentioned what’s going on. If anyone can make sure you’re safe, it will be him. Though, you might be ready to jump ship after he puts you through the paces. That’s part of the reason we lost a great nurse.” Jamie winks.
“You lost a great nurse. Monroe was tired of the politics around here.” She arches an eyebrow at me, and I finish the statement, “Okay, and because she hates working around nurses who won’t shut up.”
“Was it really that hard to admit?” Fallon teases me, giving me that sweet smile of hers. If we were any other place and she weren’t in the shape she is, I’d be doing a whole lot more than I am now.
“Anyways, as I was saying, Doc will be monitoring you for the time being. I’d like to see you resting for the next couple of weeks while your body adjusts to the meds. Do you have any questions?”
“Yes. Will this stop me from fainting at the drop of a hat?” Fallon asks about the giant elephant in the room. I start to say something, but Dr. Stone beats me to the point. “I’m hoping this will help. If not, there’s a slight possibility of another surgery. I’d like to give this medicine three months at the least, and it could take longer to adjust it to the right dose. So, for now, surgery is a possibility, though it’s not likely. Unless you sustain another injury. Your chest wall is already delicate.”
“Fuck,” Fallon breathes out. I know she’s not one to cuss, especially in front of others, but the news isn’t the greatest, not really. A guy like Brad, he’s gonna try his hardest to fuck with Fallon’s life. I already know she’s thinking about leaving, but hell, it wouldn’t matter where she went. She could run all the way to Antarctica, and a piece of shit like him would go out and find her in four feet of snow and drag her back. That’s why I claimed her. The club would have helped either way, but a woman like Fallon deserves way more than a shitastic job. And I’m not a young dumb fuck who can’t see the beauty before him.
“Thanks, Jamie, I’ll handle things from here.” Fallon’s head is tipped back on the pillow, eyes closed. Her parents mentioned the absolute agony they all went through during and after her last surgery. The plan to get her the comfort food she craves is giving all of them the much-needed break they need not to break down in front of one another.
“You got it. Always a pleasure,” Jamie says. I watch him leave. Fallon doesn’t bother opening her eyes, not even when the door shuts behind him and it’s just the two of us here. I don’t say a word, and neither does she. Not even when my hand tangles with hers. Fallon squeezes it back in my grasp. I whisper a kiss against her uninjured cheek, hating that she’s in so much turmoil. For now, that’s okay. I’ll be here when she is ready, however long that takes. And I’m not going anywhere.