Page 5 of Filthy (Diamondback MC 5)
“Don’t you worry. He’ll get his due.” I kiss the top of her head, my eyes meeting those of my brothers Rage, Shovel, and Razor. The rest of the brothers would be here, but Ruger was needed at home, and everyone else is staying back at the clubhouse just in case.
“Good. I’m going to head home. Hunter should be back from his run soon, and I’m bone tired.” Monroe lets out a yawn.
“You can stay at the house if you don’t want to drive home,” I offer. I’ll more than likely make plans for the house sooner or later in the form of selling it or renting it out, but for now, her old room is still hers.
“Nah, I’m okay. Love you, Dad.”
“Love you. Text or call when you make it in the house.” I hug her, then she does the same to the rest of the brothers and their women, minus Rage. No one has managed to settle him down. That could be because of his past or the fact that he’s more of a free bird and has no problem leaving for lengths of time. Sometimes it’ll be for the club, other times it’s because he just needs to feel his wheels on the pavement and wind flowing around him.
“Is Fallon gonna be okay?” This comes from Rage once Monroe leaves.
“Should be, as long as that dipshit doesn’t make another appearance to finish her off. She’s in a pretty vulnerable state right now.” I run my fingers through my hair, trying not to obsess about the fact that I’m not up there with her while Dr. Stone is going through what medical records we could find. Which Fallon wasn’t lying about. We couldn’t find much, and it made me do the next best thing I could think of—calling her parents. That wasn’t an easy call either, hearing her mom break down. I kind of figured that would happen. Hearing the agony in her father’s voice, knowing how that could have easily been Monroe, and a whole other thing entirely, broke my heart for them. I had to excuse myself for a few minutes after relaying the message of what happened to Fallon and that we needed any and all medical records. At the end of the phone call, both her parents were packed and ready to walk out the door.
“I hate to do this now, but we’re usin’ a shit ton of club resources. I got no problem with standin’ up for you or for Fallon, so don’t get your panties in a wad,” Shovel says when he sees my temper rising in the form of my chest heaving. “What I’m askin’ is, we’re gonna get blowback, no matter what we do with that dickhead husband of hers. His shit goes deeper than what we all thought was just his dear old daddy being the mayor. His daddy before him was the same, so on and so on. You make him disappear, the town of Ely and its cops won’t be able to hide their displeasure. They could even go after her parents for the cause.”
“Fuck. Alright. I know what this shit is you’re askin’ without sayin’ the words. I’m claimin’ Fallon, but none of you pencil dicks say a word. Raven, Persephone, the same goes for you. She’s ready to jump ship as it is, and I’ve only got one shot at protecting her, which also means my house is out of the equation. The safest place is the club, so we’ll be in my room for the time being. That going to be okay, or do I need to look elsewhere?” Even with Shovel being the president and Razor the vice president, I’m not mincing words here.
“Got no problem with that. Persephone?” Shovel looks at his wife. A smile crosses her face.
“Yep, I’m good. Us women can hang together, and maybe we’ll teach her a thing or two.” Fuck, I’ll just bet they will.
“Good, brother, Raven won’t get her on a pole yet,” Razor says with a chuckle.
“Oh, don’t be so sure about that. As soon as she’s ready, I’ll make it my mission.” A gleam appears in her eyes, and I know I’m royally fucked
“Fucking fantastic,” I retort, looking at Rage. He nods his head, quiet like he usually is unless something gets his hackles rising. “If we’re done here, I’ll get back to Fallon. You sure you don’t mind going to Fallon’s place?”
“Nope, already got the keys from Rage. We’ll be in touch.” Shovel takes Persephone’s hand, and they leave the hospital.
“Alright, I’ll keep in touch. No sense in y’all staying here dog tired when I might need you once she’s outta the hospital,” I tell Rage, Razor, and Raven.
“I’m staying.” This comes from Rage.
“Alright.” I had a feeling he wouldn’t budge.
“We’ll be at the club. If she gets released, let me know. We’ll make sure shit is taken care of.”