Page 20 of Filthy (Diamondback MC 5)
“Alright, stop tempting me.” He shelters me the entire way, even when I attempt to look over my shoulder. Cole clears his throat in an annoyed manner.
“Ugh, you’re so annoying. I don’t know why I put up with you,” I tease.
“Because you know I’m yours as much as you’re mine.” If that isn’t the truth, I don’t know what is.
“You’re right,” I reply. The door slams behind us. The women are at the bar, unlike where I thought they’d be.
“Keep your eye on her. We got business.” Cole nods at Raven, Persephone, Monroe, and Sadie.
“Aye-aye, captain.” Monroe mock salutes, breaking the tension. I roll my eyes and walk over there. He’s got club business, and frankly, I know Cole will let me know what happens later on in the quiet of the night and comfort in our bed.
Eight Weeks Later
“It really sucks that Rage left and went nomad.” Fallon and I are sitting at a high top next to the pool table, me in the seat and her wedged between my thighs. She’s not wrong, but the brothers couldn’t stop Rage when he was on a warpath. Brad triggered something deep in him, and no matter how many men attempted to hold him back, he broke free. Fuck, we all tried and got our own licks in. The rogue bullet that Brad got off was nowhere near anyone, thank Christ. Instead, it landed in the side panel of Raven’s car. I don’t know who was more pissed, Raven or Razor.
“Babe, sometimes a man needs to find himself, and to do that, it’s gotta be his way,” I tell her for what seems like the hundredth time.
“I don’t like it. He’s not even responding to my texts now. This is my fault, isn’t it?” she asks. After things settled down, I made it a point to make sure she was back at her cardiologist’s office to check how her body was doing. Stress is never good for anyone’s heart, especially hers. Thankfully, all is well, even if she’s on medicine for the rest of her life and has to see her doctor once or twice a year. As long as she’s healthy, our world is perfect.
“No, it’s not. Shit was bad in his past. You know a bit about it, not all though. Let him get his head together, and then he’ll come home.
“Fine, I’ll quit harping on it.” She leaves me to take her shot. We’re playing doubles with Cannon and Monroe, so it’s her turn.
“I’d be obliged. You going to actually sink one in or scratch it again?” She can’t play pool for shit, but that doesn’t stop her from trying.
“Dad, that is not the way to ensure you’re in your woman’s good graces. Even if we suck, you don’t tell us that to our faces.” Not sure when she grew up and became so wise, but the fact that she has isn’t always an easy pill to swallow.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll make it up to her tonight,” I attempt to gross her out.
“Oh God, I think I’m going to lose my dinner.” She makes a gagging type of noise while holding her belly, starting to round from her pregnancy. Yep, I’m going to be a grandfather within the year and often feel too young to even be thought of as grandpa.
“Not happenin’, not again, Monroe. I’ll put your ass to bed.” This comes from Cannon. Between all of us telling him it’s natural to have morning sickness that sometimes can come during the afternoon and well into the night, he doesn’t seem to understand or care.
“I was just teasing, good grief. He’s gonna be a bear of a father, isn’t he?” Monroe asks us, talking about Cannon’s grumble. I shrug my shoulders. There’s no way I’m wading in that shit.
“Eh, I think we’ll know just how he handles things in about eight months,” Fallon responds, shocking me to my core.
“Fuck, no way.” I jump out of my seat and walk to Fallon, picking her up and spinning her around.
“I hope you’re ready. I mean, this is partly your fault, you know,” she whispers against my lips.
“More than ready.” I kiss her before putting her back on her feet. Monroe and Cannon come over to congratulate us.
“Holy shit, Dad. You’re going to be a dad again and a grandpa all in one year.” Monroe has a huge smile on my face.
“Holy shit,” I breathe out before I feel my knees go weak.
“Oh no, you don’t, no fainting on me. Cannon, grab his shoulders, please,” Fallon demands. My eyes start to shutter, but the tapping on my cheeks stops.
“I’m not fainting, but holy hell. I need to sell the house in town, build our house here, and put a damn ring on your finger.” My eyes pop open once I’m sitting.
“One thing at a time. No need to take on the world. And really, a ring doesn’t make me love you any more or any less.” I should be reassuring Fallon, not the other way around.