Page 18 of Filthy (Diamondback MC 5)
“Doc, go settle down, brother,” Shovel tells me, but that doesn’t help. I walk away, fisting my hair, pacing the fucking floors.
“I got something that will help him calm his tits.” Cannon throws a set of keys at me. “Go get Fallon. The RV is all set up. Monroe busted my balls to make sure there was water, sewage, and power situated for you guys. The least you can do is use it.”
“Fuck.” I’m speechless. “Thanks.” I choke on my words that are trying to come out. “After all these years you guys have carried the load when I couldn’t, and you still do it now. I don’t deserve to have you guys, but the time comes when I can help, I’m there.”
“What the fuck ever. Was it not you helping us with Raven, Persephone, Sadie? Shit, man, you were busting your ass working while raising Monroe, and you didn’t miss a single beat. Cut yourself some slack. Go get your woman and relax. Tomorrow will be here soon enough, and I’m sure another wave of shit will come our way, but we all have each other’s backs. It’s just the way we are.” Shovel shuts me up with his speech. I nod my head. No other words are necessary.
I move my feet to my bedroom, wanting to get to Fallon, knowing she’ll be happy, if not happier than me, to get a night away from the crows, the partying, the music, the slamming of doors waking us up between bouts of lovemaking.
“Cole, are you okay?” She sits straight up in bed, a book falling to her lap and a soft smile on her face.
“Yeah, pack a few changes of clothes. We’re out of here and in the RV. Wanna show you the patch of land I own. It’s even got a sweet little view of the river. And if you’re lucky, we can skinny dip in it tonight.” I head to my closet to grab a bag.
“You mean if you’re lucky, I’ll let you take me skinny dipping,” Fallon teases, leaping out of the bed to where she’s stashed clothes in the dresser. She picks out a few things and throws them on top of the clothes that are now in my bag, like we’ve done this numerous times before.
“We both know the second I get us out there and start stripping, you’ll be right there with me. Now, are we going to argue about this or make it happen?” I stop what I’m doing to look at her.
“It’s not me dilly-dallying, it’s you. My things are already packed in your bag.” Fallon’s hand is on her hip, cocked to the side, and she’s grinning.
“That’s it.” I grab the bag with one hand, drop my shoulder until it meets her belly, throw her over my shoulder, and walk out the door.
“Oh my gosh, Cole,” she says, hands grabbing my ass to steady herself.
“Not gonna drop you. Also not sure why I even thought it was a good idea to pack clothes when we’ll be spending most of our time naked.” We meander our way out the door, through the hallway until we’re out in the main area. Hoots and hollers are being called out.
“Bye, guys,” Fallon calls from hanging upside down, causing them all to laugh.
“Later, Fallon, Doc.” That’s the last thing I hear before walking out the door and towards my truck. My only thought is getting Fallon alone.
Cole and I spent three days sequestered away on his area of land that’s still on club property, nothing but us and nature. The trees were as high as the clouds, it seemed, and there was a view of the river, the wind blowing in at dusk, causing the water to ripple, lulling us into the night hours. It was sheer bliss and just the time we needed with one another, not to mention the skinny dipping that happened beneath the moonlight, ending with a whole lot of lovemaking.
“What’s going on?” I ask Cole. He’s looking out the window at the clubhouse, the gates locked so it’s not like anyone can come in.
“Oh, I have a feelin’ shit is about get interesting. Going to tell you this now before thing go down,” Cole states before he calls out, “Brothers!”
“Okay? But I’m thinking we should have stayed away another day,” I answer, in a question-like manner.
“There’s a reason I was on my phone more than normal. Shit went down with Brad and his family. We stumbled upon them embezzling money from the city and county, hiding it in overseas accounts. The boys did a little B and E, planted some paperwork where it couldn’t be swept away, and now I think we lured Brad out of his hidey hole. Brace yourself, because this could get nasty.” He continues on, “Before you get upset, know this, I’m not going to tell you every time something happens. My job as your man is to protect you, and I’ll do that with any means possible. Even if you might not like that.”