Page 16 of Filthy (Diamondback MC 5)
“I have no doubt about that. Something tells me Fallon may be one and the same as your wife,” I respond.
“Are you trying to tell me something without putting a ring on my daughter’s finger first? We may be close in age, but that doesn’t mean I’ve got no problem laying you out, Doc.” It takes everything I’ve got to hold in my laugh because I know he’ll have no problem doing it.
“Nope, just sayin’ I see the same qualities in Fallon that you do in Charleigh,” I shut down the conversation. I respect Russell to death, but the moment I’m ready to slide my ring on Fallon’s finger, he and Charleigh will be the first to know, then it’ll be me doing all the convincing in the world for her to marry me.
“Damn straight. Of course, getting Brad to sign the divorce papers might still be a long process. I know I failed her the first time around, and I’m not asking for forgiveness, that’s something I’ll have to beg my maker for. Sucks to be you, though, because I’ll be up in your shit any time of the day to make sure you’re doing right by Fallon.” Shit is not easy being a parent. I know that firsthand, and I’m not going to judge.
“Once he’s locked up, he won’t have a choice. If it comes to that,” I tell him, a smile on my face, hoping to have a fly on the wall when he’s incarcerated. “I’m thinking if Fallon heard you talkin’, she’d tell you to shut up. She’s strong-willed and more hardheaded than anyone I know, me being one of those hard-headed people. It took an act of God for her to rest for two weeks. Being a parent is hard. We can only do so much before we let them go,” I say.
“You’re not fuckin’ wrong. I’ll stop by the club later on and bring you what we’ve found. The rest is up to you and the club. You guys fuck this up, though, and I’m wading in,” Russell threatens. I get it. I’d be the same exact way if this were Monroe.
“Got no problem with you having a hand the entire time. Just gotta clear it with the brothers,” I tell him, hoping that if he’s a part of this, maybe it’ll give him peace of mind.
“I’d appreciate that. Alright, I’m getting off here. Going to call Charleigh and let her know I’m on my way. There’s no way she’ll stay another night away willingly. There’s only so much Martha any of us can handle before we’re tired of her incessant chatter.”
“Sounds good. Thanks for all the help, and I’ll call you as soon as I talk to the brothers. Later.”
“Later.” I wait until he hangs up the phone and then do the same. I’ve been sitting at the bar, a shot glass of whiskey in front of me, taunting me while talking, knowing a shit storm can erupt at any time. I snuck out of bed while Fallon was sleeping peacefully to take the phone call. She needs the rest after the number of orgasms I wrung from her body. Fuck, I don’t deserve her. She’s years younger, has more years than I’ll probably ever have ahead of her, and she fuckin’ chose me. With that thought, I sling the shot back then grab the bottle to pour another. Maybe the next time I’m sitting here drinking, I’ll be celebrating something much bigger.
“Is lockdown always this boring?” I ask Monroe. The two of us are sitting outside at the picnic table under the trees. There was only so much I could take of being cooped up, and now that I’m bruise free and no longer in any pain, my heart medicine is doing exactly what it needs to, keeping me from fainting and my heartbeat steadily beating normal. I am allowed to move about freely, inside the gates at least.
“Yes. The only downfall on what’s going on between you and Dad is that he doesn’t have a house on club property. I think him wanting to live in town for so long is backfiring, but you know what? Hunter has an RV we aren’t using anymore. Maybe you guys can use that and get some breathing room,” Monroe offers. Don’t get me wrong. Being safe means everything, especially what the club is doing, but the fact that the only clothes I have are the ones that Monroe picked up for me or the clothes I was able to order. Thank goodness for one-day shipping. But really, two weeks recovering without seeing the outside world is probably getting to me the most.
“True. I may see if he’ll do that. I’m thankful. Please don’t think that. There’s just a lot of crap coming and going. No matter how quiet you try to be, the club echoes in the middle of the night.” I’m probably blushing thinking about Cole trying to keep me quiet, and if I can hear the door slamming, I’m sure someone can hear me too.