Page 5 of On Her Knees
She felt him move another inch closer, and her eyes widened at the feel of his erection nudging the small of her back.
He’s hard, for me. Oh, God.
“Sir,” she managed to wheeze out. “I don’t think this is appropriate.”
“You don’t think what’s appropriate?” He touched the side of her neck again, just a brush of his fingertip along the curve of her throat, but it was powerful enough it felt like flames licked along her entire body.
She squeezed her thighs together, trying in vain to stem off the arousal she felt, the wetness that was a steady flow from her, it seemed. “Viktor,” she moaned his name and instantly pursed her lips, feeling foolish and out of control. “This is wrong.” I can’t seem to think straight when he’s around.
“Maybe, but being inappropriate is so much fun, Karina.”
Holy shit.
She closed her eyes when he started to slide his hand down her arm, stopping at her hip, and slightly pulling her back against him. His cock dug into her back even more, and she couldn’t stop the little sound that left her. Her nerves were exploding, and despite how much she wanted this, she knew it wasn’t right, not only because he was her boss, but because he was drunk.
Using all her strength, she took a few steps away from him and turned around to face him.
Viktor didn’t move toward her, but he looked feral, yet in control at the same time. He had his head slightly downcast, but his focus was on her. His eyes looked glossy and slightly red, and she could see he was drunk. That made this situation even worse.
“I need to go.” Without waiting for him to say anything in response, she turned and left his office, and then the office building as fast as she could. It wasn’t until she was outside that she leaned against the brick wall, closed her eyes, and took a steadying breath.
She felt like she was about to fall over a ledge, and there was no end in sight.
If she felt like this with just a small touch from him, Karina couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to really be with Viktor.
Karina stared at herself in the mirror of her bathroom, feeling her heart race, her entire body feeling like she’d just run a marathon. She didn’t know why she was so nervous.
It’s just a party. Nothing more.
But it wasn’t just a party, not really. All she could think about was the encounter she’d had in Viktor’s office, how her body still felt like it was alive from his touch, from his warm breath along her nape. It was crazy, but she couldn’t help it, and kind of hated it all in the same breath.
Bracing her hands on the sink, she closed her eyes for a second and tried to calm herself. The taxi would be picking her up shortly, and here she was acting like she was going to her execution.
Opening her eyes, she looked at her reflection. She had done her own hair and makeup, and although it wasn’t as formal as tonight probably would be, it wasn’t half bad. She was wearing a long gown in a deep emerald color with delicate straps.
She’d had to borrow the gown from one of her friends, because aside from a few black dresses, she had nothing that would have been appropriate for tonight.
Pushing away from the sink, she shook her hands and gave herself an internal pep talk. She could do this, and act like what happened back at Viktor’s office hadn’t happened.
He probably was so drunk that he doesn’t even remember.
She left the bathroom and her apartment, realizing that tonight would certainly let her know how things would play out. If he didn’t remember, then she was in the clear, because she didn’t have to worry about things being awkward. But if he remembered... yeah, it being awkward would be an understatement.
The party was intimate and held at an exclusive and fancy restaurant downtown. Karina had never been to it because the price tag for the meals was far out of her budget, and she felt a little out of place here. Despite the restaurant being exclusive and catering to some pretty high-class people on the social spectrum, it was never formal as the party was tonight.
That made her ten times more nervous because this was the first time she’d ever dressed so elegantly.
He must have really scored on that contract and merger to spring for something like this for his employees.
She paid the cabdriver and got out, feeling a little weird that she was in this fancy dress, and going to this restaurant, but getting out of a cab. The car left, and she stood there for a second, the thick shawl that went with the dress snugly around her to stem off the chill in the air.