Page 60 of Counsellor (Acquisition 1)
I depressed the clutch and easily put the car into reverse. I hit the gas and let off the clutch. It lurched forward and sputtered.
Not reverse.
Vinemont glanced over his shoulder and shook his head. I moved the gear shift into what was, most likely, reverse and tried it again. This time I slid backward out of the stables so quickly I had to slam on the brakes once I reached the smooth drive.
Vinemont had completely turned now, watching me with his arms crossed over his chest. I couldn’t tell if he wore a look of chagrin or regret. Either way, I was going to make the next gear shift hurt. I ground it into first gear, the transmission screaming an angry noise, and hit the gas. I was off like a shot, leaving Vinemont and the stables behind me.
I moved it into second gear, imagining the look on Vinemont’s face as I ground that one even harder, the transmission making a vicious metal on metal sound. I smiled and whipped the rest of the way to the house. I parked out front, satisfied with myself.
Renee was sitting in the library and followed me up the stairs when I dashed in. I stripped in my room as she entered.
“Where have you been? What’s happened?” Her curious gaze settled on my neck. “Are those love bites?”
“I, uh, I’m freezing. I need a bath and then I’ll tell you about it.”
She kicked into maid mode and ran me a hot bath while I tossed off my remaining clothes. As I soaked, letting the warmth soothe my aching body—some of the soreness from the riding accident, some of it from Vinemont’s attentions—I told her about my day. I left out most of the sexy details, but she got the picture well enough.
The hand wringing began almost instantly. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the tub.
“Is it really as bad as all that, Renee?”
“Yes, and worse.”
“If his mother finds out—”
My eyes shot open and I whipped my head around to her. She clapped her hand over her mouth.
“Vinemont’s mother is alive? You told me she was dead!”
Epic hand wringing ensued. “I never said she was dead. You just drew your own conclusions.”
Realization dawned. “The third floor?”
She nodded, a troubled look overcoming her features.
“Why does it matter? Where is she? Can she do anything about this, about the Acquisition?” My mind raced from thought to thought. Why was Vinemont’s mother such a secret?
“It matters, and no, she can’t help you. She wouldn’t even if she could. She was Sovereign for ten years, you see.”
I turned in the water so quickly it sloshed against the sides of the tub and splashed to the floor. “No, I don’t see. You keep all these secrets from me. How could I possibly have any idea?”
“It’s just that Rebecca doesn’t want to have anything to do with it, with the Acquisition. She can’t.”
“Why not?” This was the most Renee had told me about the Acquisition since she revealed the multiple trials. I needed her to keep talking.
She sank to the floor next to the tub, resting on the bath mat. “I don’t see why I should keep it from you anymore, not now that you and Mr. Sinclair have…”
“Tell me.”
“It’s going to make everything so much worse for you.” Tears welled in her eyes.
I was glad I hadn’t told her about what we did that night in the library. She may have had a total come-apart.
“Rebecca found me at a time in my life when I had no purpose. I-I…” She examined her hands. “I was young and was selling my body in New Orleans.” Red rose from her collar and flowed into her face.
“I’m not judging you, Renee.” I had no right to pass judgment on anything anyone did to get by.
“Well, she found me there. Just happened across me, really. It was almost time for the Acquisition Ball, and the Vinemonts had been chosen that year. She was the eldest, so it fell to her to go through the process. I didn’t realize it then, but she was desperate to find her Acquisition. I was it. I was desperate to get out of New Orleans. So, it was fate.” The sorrow in her voice, the sense of betrayal, tore at me.
“I’m sorry, Renee.”
“Oh, it was a long time ago.” She swiped a tear away. “It was just that Rebecca was so kind and caring. And she truly was, even though the Acquisition was hanging over her head. Her maid at the time became my ally and told me how Rebecca had always been a lovely, sweet person. She was also a doting mother. I saw that myself. The way she loved on those boys of hers was beautiful.”
She paused and took a deep breath. “And she was good to me, too. She really was, until she couldn’t be anymore.”