Page 25 of Counsellor (Acquisition 1)
I giggled. I didn’t care if Dmitri was jacking off all over me, just so long as he kept pushing my tension all the way down my body and out my toes. I’d gotten massages before, but nothing compared to this. Not even close.
“How’s the Acquisition doing?”
Lucius’ voice undid Dmitri’s work and made my muscles seize.
Dmitri must have felt the change because he let out a litany in angry Russian. His hands rested possessively on my lower back as Lucius leisurely made his way to me. Whereas Vinemont was a methodical serial killer, Lucius was more of a smooth assassin. His fluid movements and swimmer’s body hinted at quickness and wiry strength.
Renee stood and pocketed her book, but didn’t move.
I couldn’t get up, because Lucius would see me fully naked. His seeing only my ass, once again, seemed like the lesser of two evils.
“Krasivaya doesn’t like you, comrade. You interfere with her pleasure.” Dmitri’s voice was a cautionary rumble.
Lucius stopped next to me, his black boots filling my vision. “I’m certain that’s not so. I could give her plenty more pleasure if we had this room all to ourselves.”
“Well, you don’t.” Dmitri stepped around the table and stood chest to chest with Lucius.
“What, because you’re here? A hired set of hands?” Lucius placed his hand on my ass and squeezed.
I tried to jerk away from him, but I had nowhere to go. Dmitri yanked Lucius’ hand away from me. I scrambled off the table and backed away from them, nudity be damned.
Dmitri and Lucius faced off against each other, neither man backing down.
Lucius smiled up at Dmitri, as if declaring a truce with the bigger man. Instead of walking away, Lucius struck quickly with a vicious haymaker across Dmitri’s jaw. A classic sucker punch. Dmitri staggered back. Rage lit the Russian’s face and he swung, catching Lucius on the chin and sending him reeling away. Instead of falling, Lucius seemed emboldened and charged the larger man.
Juliet and Alex each came to either side of me.
“Now this is entertainment,” Alex said. “I wish they hadn’t confiscated my cell. I’d post a vid of this hunk on hunk action and make a fortune.”
“Lucius!” Vinemont rushed into the room. He saw me and stopped, his mouth opening slightly.
I slung an arm across my breasts and crossed my legs, though it didn’t do much good. I was completely bare down there now, with nothing left to the imagination.
Lucius turned and looked at me too, his signature lascivious smile returning to his otherwise handsome face. Dmitri took the opportunity to get him in a headlock. They struggled against each other, Lucius trying to buck Dmitri’s vice-like hold around his neck. Lucius shoved an elbow back hard into Dmitri’s ribs, breaking the Russian’s hold and slipping away.
Vinemont appeared to come back to himself and darted between the two men. “Lucius, get the hell out of here!”
“This is my house, too, Sin,” Lucius said. “I can go wherever the fuck I want. We’re brothers, remember?” He glanced over his shoulder at me. “We share.”
“Not this we don’t,” Vinemont growled.
“We’ll see.” Lucius dragged his thumb across his chin, wiping the blood from his split lip. He squared off against Dmitri again. “You hit pretty good for a red.”
“You hit pretty good for a devushka.”
“Ya yebat’ etu devochku pryamo pered vami,” Lucius replied with a matching accent. He glanced over at me again.
Dmitri took a threatening step forward, menace oozing from his pores.
I wanted Dmitri to smash Lucius to a bloody pulp, to wipe the self-satisfied grin from his face.
Vinemont pushed each man backward. “Stop!”
“Is it hot in here? It definitely feels hot in here.” Alex used his hand as a fan.
“Agreed.” Juliet’s hand was at her throat as she watched the men, her tongue darting at the corners of her mouth.
Vinemont jabbed a finger into his brother’s chest. “Lucius, I’m warning you. Get out.”
“You aren’t the Sovereign. Stop acting like you are.”
Vinemont advanced on Lucius until both men were almost nose to nose.
“Stand down, Lucius.”
The staring competition lasted for a few tense moments before Lucius blinked and backed away. “I didn’t know you’d get your panties so bunched over an Acquisition. I should have. You’ve always been a royal cockblock.”
Lucius sauntered toward the exit before glancing over his shoulder. “See you around, Stella.”
Alex let out a bated breath. “I want to see him around. More accurately, I want to see my mouth around his—”
“Stella, for Christ’s sake, cover yourself.” Vinemont didn’t move and kept his gaze trained on me.
Yong bustled in from the waxing room—or as I called it, the room of intense pain and humiliation—and tossed me a towel. I grabbed it and wrapped it around myself so fast I almost dropped it.
Vinemont watched every single movement, as if he were attuned to me on some primitive level. He blinked slowly and scrubbed a hand down his face. “How much longer before she’s ready?”