Page 53 of The Bad Guy
I froze and yanked the blanket to my chin before anger burst to my surface. “You said you’d removed the camera. You promised!”
“I did.” His sexy laugh relit the fire I thought I’d doused. “But there’s still audio.”
She fell silent, and I wanted so badly to see her. But I’d made a deal, one I couldn’t cheat on. There was no camera capability in our bedroom or bathroom.
When I’d received the notification from Timothy that she’d returned to our bedroom, I’d clicked on the audio and popped an earbud into one ear while I listened to a new ad campaign pitch with the other.
Her first labored breath had punched me right in the stomach, and when she’d said my name? I’d walked right out of the meeting and to my office. My secretary had given me a blank look when I’d instructed her to tell the ad company to wait for my return, then I’d slammed my door, locked it, and turned up the volume. Her sounds had almost killed me. And the way she’d said my name? If she did that in person, it would bring me to my knees. It already brought me to climax in my fucking washroom. A first.
She’d gone silent after I let her in on the audio secret, so I’d returned to the meeting. They resumed as if nothing were amiss. But if I’d been mentally absent before, I was on a mental vacation now. My thoughts circled Camille like vultures around a kill. She couldn’t deny she wanted me, not anymore. I had so many of the necessary ingredients to convince her to stay, but I was still missing the main one—trust. What would it take to get it?
The room had gone silent, and with the way everyone was looking at me, it had been that way for quite some time.
I stood. “I’ll consider it and get back to you within the week.”
The lead ad man—a pudgier Don Draper sort—smiled and rose along with me. “Thank you for the opportunity.”
Link stood as well and opened the door, an expectant expression on his dumb face as he watched me.
I strode past him, heading for my corner office.
“Sebastian.” He dogged my heels. “Can I have a word?”
No, but you can have a pen in your eye. “What would you like to discuss? I have a full schedule this afternoon.” I did. It was true. But I intended to cancel everything and fly home to Camille. I could beat her orgasm by a mile with just my mouth, and she knew it.
“Mr. Lindstrom, Graffine called to confirm your reservation for Saturday evening?” My secretary held the phone to her ear.
“Cancel it. I don’t have time.” I was supposed to meet Dad, but he’d understand I was too busy for an evening out, not when Camille was waiting for me at home.
“Fine.” She turned back to her desk as I entered my office.
“Graffine? That place is tough to get into.” Link was still at my heels.
“What do you want?” I didn’t bother hiding my irritation.
“It’s about my girlfriend.”
I continued my brisk stride to my desk, though I wanted to grab him by his suit coat and throw him through my window. “What does that have to do with me?”
“Well, there’s this kid who’s been bothering me about her, and he’s sort of getting into my head. And now he’s gone and got a couple of her friends worried, too.”
“I’m sorry, where is your girlfriend in all of this?” I slid off my suit coat as I listened intently to each syllable the imbecile uttered.
“She’s on this expedition to the Amazon to study plants, but she’s been acting weird in her texts and I can’t get her on the phone. I tried calling the leader of her group via satellite phone, but he said she couldn’t talk because she was up a tree, and—”
“What does this have to do with me?” I sat at my desk and opened my emails.
He sank into one of my chairs, unbidden. “Nothing, really. It’s just I know you have ways to get things done, and I was hoping maybe you could pull a few strings—”
My eyebrows rose, and I gave him what I could only call a stony glare of imminent death.
He hurried along, “There are two Lindstrom operations in Brazil, so I figured—”
“You figured that I would use valuable company resources to track down the girlfriend who doesn’t want to talk to you?” I leaned back in my chair, giving him my full, withering attention. “And just how long has she been gone?”
“She left Saturday morning, and it’s Thursday, so—”
“Six days? You’re in my office asking for favors when she’s only been out of your sight for six days?”
He pulled at the knot in his tie as his cheeks blanched. “You know, you’re right. That kid just got into my head, and then Veronica started asking questions.”