Page 27 of The Cult (Cult 1)
“S-so he wouldn’t re-turn.” His pattern of speech abruptly changed without warning. His mood was the same, but something inside him was different. “I’ll never let them go, s-so it’s easier this way…eas-s-ier for him to move on.”
I gripped the edges of the chair and felt the rage pound in my ears. I wanted to rush him for hurting Benton that way, for separating a family due to his own cruelty. I’d only spoken to Benton once, but I felt like I knew him, like I’d known him my whole life. “What will you do with the girl?” I hadn’t seen any signs of interest toward Claire. They seemed to leave her alone, leave all of us alone. But I wasn’t stupid enough to believe it would always stay that way. Just the thought of them looking at her made me so angry that I thought I might break off the edges of my throne.
He looked across the room, his eyes lidded. “The Divine.”
That didn’t answer my question at all, but I couldn’t press him. I had to inch my way around the conversation without provoking him. If it felt like an interrogation, he would grow suspicious, and that suspicion would get me killed.
“This is the first time we’ve had The Divine here. She will grow into the most powerful angel we’ve ever had.”
Did he just make this shit up?
“She’ll save us all. We just have to wait.”
I stared into his eyes and saw everything beneath the surface. I saw the darkness of his corrupted mind, of his demonic soul, of the pure insanity that couldn’t be remotely understood. This man was beyond help.
He held my gaze in return, like he was searching for my own truth. “You blocked the windows in the church. Why?”
I was careful with my answer. “Angels need privacy to do their work.”
He seemed to accept that answer because he was quiet.
The silence stretched again, as if he expected me to say something, to lead this strange confessional. “What are your other sins, Forneus? How else can I help you redeem yourself?” What were his other crimes? What else did he do at this camp? I knew there was far more to this place than met the eye.
He looked away, his eyes darting to the sea of candles displayed around the aisles. “My last angel was unable to absolve me of my crimes. For years, I searched for her replacement, someone with the light and grace to truly elevate me. Then I saw you…gliding across the stage…with your wings so graceful. That was the first hope I’ve felt in a long time. A ve-ry long ti-me.” He turned back to me. “Because I’ve done horrible things, things I can’t control. The demon comes forth and takes over…and I lose control. My mother was so good to me, but I killed her. Father grieved, hated me for what I’d done, so I killed him too. I’ve killed every family member I’ve ever had.” He looked into my eyes with a reflective expression, but he didn’t look apologetic about the heinous admissions. “My family lin-e-age shouldn’t con-tin-ue. I need to be the las-s-t of my kind—for humanity.”
Oh Jesus. He was a serial killer.
He killed his last angel when she didn’t meet his expectations.
I would be next…at some point.
A table was beside him with a jar on top of it, so he opened the lid and pulled out two tablets. “We must ascend now.”
Ascend? I had no idea what he was talking about.
He leaned forward with the small capsule between his fingertips and waited for me to take it.
“What is it…?”
“Med-ic-ine.” He was immobile, stonelike, still holding the capsule for me to take.
I didn’t see any way to get out of this. The door was locked, and if I defied him, he might lose his temper and kill me.
I didn’t want to put that stupid pill in my mouth, but I had no choice. It was probably drugs, and I’d never taken drugs, not even smoked marijuana. But it would pass through my system, and then it would be over.
I took the pill and placed it in my mouth.
He continued to study me, like he knew I wouldn’t swallow it. His eyes pierced my skin, as if he could see the inside of my throat and the pill tucked into the side of my cheek. He grabbed a second pill and held it up, as if he were waiting for me to swallow before he took his.
I forced it down my throat with a swallow, hating myself for participating in this nightmare.
He popped the pill into his mouth and swallowed it dry. Then he relaxed into the chair, dropping his stiff posture and sinking into the iron, crossing one ankle and resting it on the opposite knee. That sinister smile came back on to his face, and he focused his stare on my face, watched me without blinking, his mirth palpable in the air around us.