Page 20 of Wet (Diamondback MC 4)
“Fine, but be prepared,” I grumble under my breath as we walk into my dad’s room. He has a small sitting area underneath the window, his bed on the other wall, and adjacent to that is his bathroom.
“Take a seat, baby girl. I know you’re gonna be pissed at me more than Cannon.” I sit down on the couch. Cannon and my dad stand, both in the ‘I mean business’ stance.
“Ugh, I see this is going to be me getting lectured instead of the other way around.” I lift my eyebrow. Hunter smirks, while my dad rolls his eyes.
“Nope, I’m hoping you won’t lecture me either. You know Jeremy?” he asks.
“Well, duh, he’s the paramedic at work. Why?” I mean, Hunter met him last night, and Dad definitely knows him because he works at the same hospital as we do.
“Then it won’t come as a surprise to you that a visit was made to his house today. Gave him a lesson in not messing with Diamondback.” He doesn’t elaborate at first.
“Yeah, but he’s never messed with me or the club that I’m aware of.” I resituate myself, folding my legs beneath me.
“That’s where you’re wrong. You didn’t see the way he looked at you last night, trouble, or the missed calls I had to clear this morning without you seein’ them. And, Monroe, there were more than a few missed calls. Don’t even get me started on the bouquet of flowers.” My mouth drops, having no idea that Jeremy was behind all of this.
“Now, you wanna be pissed, be pissed at me. It’s not Cannon who has busted knuckles. It was me, and I’d do it over and over again, if it’s just to prove my point.” That knocks the wind out of my sails.
“Oh, I did my part, so don’t think I didn’t,” Hunter boasts.
“And what did you do?” I ask while standing up and walking to my father’s bathroom, where he keeps the first aid kit.
“That’s easy. I held him up.”
“Jesus, what is wrong with the two of you? Are you mental?” I stop in my tracks. These two bozos, the men I clearly love entirely too much, were in cahoots with one another.
“Nope, but I think that’s my cue to take this to our room. See ya later, Doc.” He no sooner gets those words out than Hunter is sauntering towards me.
“Oh no, you don’t.” I attempt to dart away from him, except he takes that time to put his shoulder to my stomach, my ass in the air and my hands going to Hunter’s firm ass, holding on tightly.
“Settle down, Monroe.” He walks out of my dad’s room, his hand sliding up the back of my thigh, shutting me up, because anytime I feel Hunter’s hands on me, everything settles me down deep in my soul. Even if he acts like a Neanderthal, he’s my Neanderthal.
Two Weeks Later
“You going to ever admit that you love me, Monroe?” We’re in my room. Her ass is on the edge of the bed. I’m on my knees before her, two fingers inside Monroe’s cunt, my mouth working on her clit, only stopping to get her to admit the obvious. Hell, I’ve told her time and time again the past couple of weeks. She kept holding out those three words from me, which is why I’m holdin’ this orgasm at bay, and one other thing too.
“You don’t play fair. I still don’t like how you felt the need to deal with that issue. I’d like to at least have a say in how you take care of me,” she groans out incoherently, arching her hips up, with her hand pressing on the back of my head.
“Fuck, woman.” I pull away from her. “You know I wouldn’t be any man at all if I didn’t handle things the way they were, and I’ll do it until the end of fuckin’ time.” This seems to be the going argument for the past couple of weeks, and I’m damn tired of it. If she can’t see that I’m helping her, I’ll have to show her.
“I’m not saying don’t protect me. I’m just saying at least talk to me.” She sits up. My hands move to her hips, not allowing her to see what I have on my pinky finger.
“What about this? I’ll talk to you, but I’m tellin’ you right now, if it’s something like that little shit turd Jeremy, you gotta trust me. Can you do that?” Someone has to compromise, and I have a feelin’ we’ll have a whole lot more to deal with in our future, but if it means I get her to see reason while she’s naked in our bed, I’ll fuckin’ take it.
“Fine, okay, fine. I love you. I’ve been unreasonable, and that’s not fair to you or to us.” Her hands move to mine, holding them. Those berry lips of hers are there for the taking. I want her to taste how damn amazing she is to me. I take slow sips of her lips, letting her know what she means to me.