Page 18 of Wet (Diamondback MC 4)
“Already have the ring. Tryin’ to wait until we both get a solid twenty-four hours without shit happenin’ one way or the other. Now, this doesn’t have to be a club thing. This can be a me thing or a Doc and me thing, or we can make it a club thing. It’s up to everyone in this room, but something will be done, and soon,” I tell them like it is.
“Eh, I’ve been bored lately. I’m in,” comes from Razor.
“Shit yeah, I’m in,” Ruger states.
“Yeah, yeah, this is a club thing. Everyone in agreement so we all don’t gotta sit here and sing kumbaya before we all agree?” Shovel says, gavel in hand, waiting for everyone to nod their heads in agreement. I didn’t have any doubt in mind that my brothers wouldn’t pull through, no matter what the past brought.
“It’s settled, then. Get your asses in gear. It’s Saturday, and I’m sure there’s other shit we’ll need to do around here or our own houses, not to mention the family barbecue that’s happenin’ tomorrow. We’ll meet out front in thirty minutes.” He slams the gavel down, calling an end to church. I start to head back to my room to check on Monroe when Doc stops me.
“Glad you’re making my little girl your wife. Also happy that you have no problem showin’ that punk kid his place. Thankful that she has you.” Doc claps me on the shoulder then walks away before he gives me a chance to respond.
We all ride into town in formation, Rage in the front as the road captain, Shovel and Razor next, the rest of the brothers in the middle, and me being the Tail Gunner in the back, staying alert in the event something or someone tries to attempt to cut us off or is out seeking revenge.
Ruger knew exactly where this Jeremy character would be and what his work schedule was like. If he wasn’t working, he could be found holed up in his run-down trailer out on a couple acres. The best part being there aren’t any neighbors for miles and miles. This is going to be easy, and there’ll be no blowback on Monroe or us if we do this right.
We make it down the long dirt road. I’m chuckling at the look of things. Jeremy’s outside, standing with a shotgun at the ready, wearing a shirt, shorts, and boots, not seeming to be put together. The trailer is just like Ruger said—old, dilapidated, and not a single soul for miles. I wonder if anyone would even notice we’ve been here, let alone if we set this place on fire.
Once all of us park our bikes, shutting off the engines, all eyes are locked on Jeremy. I’ve already noticed that he’s got the shotgun cocked and loaded. I’d bet my left nut that it’s loaded with buckshot. It could do some serious damage, considering we aren’t a pack of dummies, unlike Jeremy. We’ll keep our distance until we see an in. That or I’ll sneak away while the rest of the guys distract this douchebag.
“You stop right there. I’ve already called the cops, and I have no problem shooting y’all,” Jeremy says as he sees us climb off our bikes. Shadow nods to me, and it seems he’s going to take the thought of finding a way to disarm him away from me. Truth be told, it’s probably for the better. He can get in anywhere without bein’ seen. I nod back, then I make my way closer to Jeremy with Doc at my side, the rest of the brothers right there beside us.
“It seems you’re givin’ my daughter unwanted attention, Jeremy,” Doc states.
“And you know damn good and well she ain’t anyone’s but mine. Think you got the idea of that last night when you saw us. I also know it was you who made a call to her this mornin’. How you got her phone number is another story, but why the fuck you think it’s okay to go after Monroe, I’ll never understand. She’s a Diamondback, and she’s my fuckin’ ‘Ol Lady.”
“Is that why she always talks to me?” This dumb fuck. It’s laughable, really. Monroe doesn’t even see him. Hell, she’s sees right through Jeremy, and he never stood a chance.
“This fuckin’ idiot. Does he realize who he’s talking about? Monroe is the nicest person there is, but, dude, she ain’t about you.” Ruger points to me. “She’s been chasin’ after Cannon for awhile now. He’s claimed her, and you ain’t nothing but a blip on her radar as a friend, pal.”
I laugh, but Doc looks fit to be tied. “You the one who sent her flowers, had the balls to come up to her at dark last night, not leavin’ after Cannon was with her?” I place my arms across my chest because hell, I was pissed before, but now I’m tryin’ to hold my laughter in. This dude is going to be swimming in his own misery.