Page 10 of Wet (Diamondback MC 4)
“That doesn’t mean I have to like it, Dad,” I grumble, still being a sour puss.
“Nope, you’ll have to live with it though. Now, want me to make my famous breakfast?” he jokes.
“No! We all know how much you suck at using anything in the kitchen besides the coffee pot and microwave,” I all but scream. Dad can do a lot of things, cooking any type of food is not one of them. “I’ll make breakfast. I won’t be home tonight. I’m staying with Cannon.”
“I don’t want to hear about it. Just tell me you won’t be home tonight, and I’ll keep it at that. Though if you do move out, I’ll have a naked house, not just a naked room.” And with that I gag.
“Your face is priceless.” He tops off my coffee. I get to making bacon and eggs while we chat away. While I’m still upset that he had a hand in hurting Hunter, in the back of my mind I knew it would end up that way, no matter if I told them with him or not. And telling them with him and in front of the club, that’d almost be like taking his man card.
“Monroe question you to death after last night?” Ruger asks. I’m working at the shop today. Apparently, I’m gonna be on the same schedule as Monroe. Fucking blows that she dipped out last night.
“More or less about how I got my club name.” I place the wrench I was using in my toolbox, then pull out another one, hopefully the correct size this time.
“I bet she didn’t need to learn too well.” He’s talking about the time I went on a club run with them right before being patched in. I was a prospect biding my time. We all settled in for the night at a campground, each of us in a tent or a sleeping bag, whatever you preferred. Let’s just say after a fifth of Jack Daniels, my only thoughts were of finding a tree to piss behind. Apparently, so did the rest of the club. The minute my cock was out, all the chatter happened. I was blessed with being a shower and grower. Shortly after I was patched in, Cannon became my given name.
“Of that you’d be correct. It helped lighten the mood. I hear Sadie was threatening the couch. Suspect that didn’t happen. Not with the way you hurried home to your ‘Ol Lady.” If anyone could put Ruger in his place, it was Sadie.
“She didn’t even try. Apparently, Monroe told her that it would benefit Sadie less. Your ‘Ol Lady is smarter than you are.” Fuck, but I love the sound of that. Of course, I didn’t claim her like the other brothers did. Shovel, Razor, and Ruger outright saying it to the brothers. Didn’t think it really needed to be said after shit went down, but I know I’ll be doing it just the same.
“Thinkin’ the college degree says it all, brother. What are you doing out of the house this early?” Usually, we don’t see him until closer to noon.
“Don’t sell yourself short. There’s a reason why we’re always back logged for custom builds. Sadie has to go into town. Henley is outgrowing all of her clothes, and I am not about to shop with those two.” He shakes his head. All those girls would have to do is ask, and he’d be running home.
“Well, if you ain’t doin’ nothin’ today, may as well help out around here.” He backs away. I knew he’d be running away at the mention of work. Ruger does his best stuff behind the computer.
“Got some good news and some bad news. That’s why I’m really over here. Shovel and Razor are workin’ on somethin’ at the clubhouse. Need you to get over there. That’s the bad news.” I already know what that means. A club run is comin’, and right when I get Monroe where I want us to be.
“The good news?”
“A pile of cash for the new build you’re workin’ on. Gotta say, you may have all of us men needing to redo our houses after I saw the plans you approved.” Fuckin’ tech genius. Of course he saw them before they broke ground, or I showed him.
“Whatever. We all know if the ‘Ol Ladies want something, you have plenty of cash to put up the effort.” I did a few upgrades, addin’ in a pool, outdoor kitchen, and a three-car garage. There’s no fuckin’ way I’ll have Monroe parking in the driveway. Then I’ll need room for my bike and my project truck I’ve been working on in my spare time.
“Don’t suppose so, but then they wanna decorate, and that leads to even more shopping,” he grunts out. I put my shit away, wipe my hands, and then start making my way to the clubhouse. The faster I get out of town and back, the sooner I’ll be back with Monroe.