Page 22 of 921 Cupid's Chase: A Forbidden Romance
“What do you know about love, Charity?” Rosanne spits. “You know nothing! You read romance novels, but you don’t know what the real thing is like.”
But Charity won’t be put off.
“No, that’s not true,” she says in a quiet voice. “Mason treats me like a queen and makes me feel like I matter. He cherishes me, Mom, and whenever we’re together, I’m happy. Isn’t that what love is?”
Rosanne’s eyebrows raise.
“Are you serious?” she asks in a disbelieving tone.
Charity ups the stakes then.
“Yes. I know our relationship isn’t exactly the most conventional or, hell, even socially accepted. But Mom, we’re in love and I’m having his baby. You’re going to be a grandmother, Rosanne.”
Stunned silence falls over the hallway as my heart jolts to life. My pulse thrums in my ear and I stare at the beautiful girl. Did I hear her right? Did Charity just say she was going to have my baby?
“Sweetheart,” I begin in a low voice. But I’m cut off by Rosanne, who whirls on me with angry eyes.
“Is this why you broke up with me?” she shrieks. “Because she can have your children, while I can’t?”
I stare at her.
“Rose, we never talked about having kids. Besides, you’re the one who broke up with me, and not the other way around, remember?”
But the blonde’s reached a new level of hysterics now.
“I’ll have you know I’m still fertile!” she shrieks. “These ovaries are still good for something and I’ll conceive Harvey Pindot’s baby if I die trying! You’ll see!”
At that moment, the doors to the ballroom crack open behind us and who but Harvey pokes his head out into the hallway. He looks amused, more than anything, his bald pate gleaming under the lights.
“Everything okay here?” he asks in a raspy voice. “Rose, you look a little hot and bothered.”
The buxom woman immediately runs to him and throws her arms around his narrow, stooped shoulders.
“Oh Harvey, you want a baby, don’t you?” Rose breathes. “I want to give you a baby too!” she says, shaking her breasts in front of his face. Harvey’s watery blue eyes light up, and he chuckles while gripping his cane.
“I do want another child,” he says with a gleam to his eye. “Of course, I already have five adult children, but then wouldn’t mind a little sibling, would they? Especially if the baby came from you, Rose.”
She sighs and literally drapes herself on him then, almost knocking him over.
“Oh yes, and I would absolutely breastfeed the child, and share that milk with you, Harvey! Wouldn’t you like that? Wouldn’t that be yummy?”
The elderly billionaire’s eyes gleam and he lets out an anticipatory cackle.
“That would be wonderful, Rose, and yes, I’d love to midnight feedings at your breast, Mommy, so long as you’re up for the experience.”
Now, Charity and I turn to stare at each other because this is getting fucking weird. Why is Harvey calling Rosanne “Mommy”? First, he’s forty years older than her, so if anything, he should be “Daddy.” Second, what’s all this about drinking her milk too? Again, fucking weird.
But now, the two seem lost in their own world.
“Will you come back inside if I promise you a gift?” Harvey cackles, pulling a velvet box from his pocket. “I have something for you.”
Rosanne’s eyes go wide as she takes in her surprise present.
“Oh goodness, you’re too generous, Mr. Pindot!”
The elderly man merely cackles once more and stashes the box in the décolletage of his date. Yes, he literally pulls Rosanne’s bodice down for a moment, exposing acres of creamy flesh, and gently inserts the velvet in between her big tits before pulling the material back up.
“Well, if you’re a good girl, you can open that later,” he chuckles. “Just come back inside with me, and then we can go home and finish what we’ve started.”
Rosanne doesn’t even turn to look back at us. Instead, she bends over to kiss him on the top of his bald pate.
“Oh how I adore you, Harvey,” she sighs, her eyes glossy. “You’re always so good to me, Harvey.”
Then, with a twitch of that red dress, Harvey and Rosanne disappear back into the ballroom. The silence in the hallway afterwards is deafening as Charity and I turn to look at one another.
“Did that really happen?” Charity whispers, her eyes wide.
“Are you really having my baby?” I growl, moving to take her into my arms. The beautiful brunette collapses in my embrace while letting out a shuddering sigh.
“Yes, I am, Mason,” she replies in a small voice. “You’re going to be a Daddy.”
With those words, joy surges in my veins because this is what I’ve wanted for such a long time, and now, the woman I love has granted my wish.
Mason nuzzles my head with his lips.
“How are you feeling?” he asks gently. “Have you had morning sickness? I’m sorry I didn’t notice, honey. But a baby! That’s incredible news.”