Page 20 of 921 Cupid's Chase: A Forbidden Romance
Meanwhile, elegantly-dressed guests swan about, the women bedecked in colorful gowns with sparkling jewelry. Of course, the men wear a uniform of black and white, but I’ve never seen so many gorgeous firemen together at once. They eat canapés from long tables draped in white cloth as a small band plays smooth jazz on the stage at the back of the room.
Curiously, there are two throne-like chairs on a dais placed near the front.
“What is that for?” I ask curiously.
Mason looks and laughs.
“Oh it’s just something they do more for fun than anything. We have a sponsor for the event each year, and they get to sit in those chairs. It’s a little over the top if you ask me, but hey, it’s tradition. Kind of like the Prom King and Prom Queen, right? So cheesy.”
I nod but if the gimmick helps people open their wallets, then so be it. Meanwhile, Mason whispers in my ear.
“Are you ready for the show to begin, honey? Because I see some of my coworkers and their significant others over there, and I’d like to introduce you.”
I swallow. OMG, the big moment has come, but what can I do? I put a smile on my face and nod.
“Yes, I’m ready. I can do it.”
With a wink, Mason leads me to a table of seven handsome men and their respective dates. He greets them like brothers, and I can tell the bond is real.
“Hey everyone,” Mason says, turning to me. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Charity.”
There are a few stares at first because I know I look young. But then one of the ladies stands and comes over.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” the tall brunette says with a genuine smile. “I’m Victoria, and I’m with that lout over there,” she says nodding her head at a big man who grins mischievously. “Have you lived in Cherry Falls long?”
I thought I knew everyone in our little town, but evidently not. I fall into conversation with some of the women as Mason talks with his work buddies, and the chatter is light-hearted and pleasant. This isn’t so bad after all! In fact, I get so into the conversation that I’m startled when there’s a minor commotion by the door.
“Oooh, it looks like our Diamond Sponsors have just arrived!” whispers Heather, a buxom redhead, under her breath.
“They’re fashionably late,” adds Victoria, rolling her eyes. “But what would you expect?”
Then the crowd parts a bit, and I gasp as my eyes go wide. Oh shit, oh shit! How can this be happening? It turns out that the headline sponsor of the ball just happens to be Harvey Pindot, and of course he’s got his date with him – my mom!
Oh god, this is a nightmare. Harvey looks normal because he’s got a tuxedo on just like every other man, although of course, he’s stooped and wrinkly. But no one’s looking at the billionaire because it’s Rosanne who draws all the attention. Her platinum blonde hair is done in sensuous waves, and she’s wearing a sleeveless, skin-tight red dress dripping with shimmering crystals. Hell, Harvey’s in the diamond business so maybe they’re not even crystals. Maybe they’re the real thing. Meanwhile, Harvey holds his hand out to her, and she sashays toward him with the seductive gait of a panther, her hips doing double-time.
Of course, my mom loves being in the spotlight. She smiles like a cat that got into the cream as Harvey takes her hand and kisses it theatrically. Then, he presents her with a blood-red chrysanthemum that she tucks behind one ear, her golden hair falling prettily over one shoulder. They kiss once more, and then ascend the steps of the dais before taking their places on those ornate thrones.
OMG, this is a nightmare! My heart hammers like a drum and I literally break out into a cold sweat. Holy shit, I need to get out of here ASAP!
Beside me, Victoria blinks. “Well, that was certainly something. You think they planned it?”
“Definitely,” Heather agrees.
I’m frozen with shock and can’t speak. What do I do? My mother is the last person I expected to see here, and yet now, Rosanne’s sitting not thirty feet away from me, preening like a queen. Quickly, I dart to Mason’s side and hiss in his ear.
“Why didn’t you tell me Harvey was the sponsor?”
“I didn’t know,” he whispers back. “Why? Are you upset?”
I bite my lip. “I didn’t think my mom would be here! If she sees the two of us together, she’s going to freak out. I just know it!”
“Charity, give your mom more credit than—”
But sure enough, at that moment, my mother’s eyes fall on us. She jerks, staring, as her mouth opens slowly. But no words come out even as her hands tremble on the arms of the throne. Then, she gets up regally, and I can feel everyone’s eyes on us as she makes her way over.