Page 79 of Blood Prince
The demon hurried off. Helen leaned against me. I held her, at peace just knowing she still drew breath. More screams erupted in the palace below us.
“Did you bring more soldiers?” Helen asked.
“Sort of. Faren, take the men, wrangle the spiders—”
“You brought spider soldiers? Like, are we talking giant spiders?” Iphi asked.
“That’s correct,” Faren said.
She jumped up in a blur. “Sweet. I’m going to see if I can make one my pet!”
“I wouldn’t—”
“Don’t worry about her,” Helen said. “She’ll probably wind up feuding with Arachne over which one of them the spiders love most.” Her strength seemed to be returning. Thank the gods.
“Yes, my lady.”
“And, Faren, see if you can talk Farnkelan down,” I added.
A burst of flames and explosions thundered behind us. Faren coughed.
I smiled. “Well, at least try to talk the dragon down. I can’t have it destroying Helen’s palace.”
“I’ll do my best, my lord.”
“You tamed a dragon for me?” She nestled against my chest. I breathed her in, the honey scent intoxicating.
“I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
Farnkelan shrieked in irritation, the rush of its wings stirring the air even in the enclosed hallway. Faren had his work cut out for him.
I didn’t release her for the entire time Faren and his men were clearing the palace. After a while, long after the yelling died down, Helen struggled to sit up. My eyesight had fully returned. She was almost healed, the wound on her neck closed and the one on her chest nearly closed, as well. Still, I didn’t want her hurt. Not anymore. Not even a scratch.
“I’m okay. Really.” She brushed her lips against mine, shifted in my lap, and settled back against me.
Farnkelan landed somewhere nearby, the whoosh of air from its wings like a gust of hellish wind.
Calming the dragon was a feat, but I had another wild thing to tame. Helen was free now. “Look, I know you just got out of a bad relationship…”
She giggled against me, tickling my chest with her breath. “Understatement of all time.”
“But now that you’re on the market, I’d like to formally ask for your hand in marriage.”
Helen sighed. “I’m afraid I can’t agree to that.”
I stiffened. Was there another? Had she fallen out of love with me? Would I have to kill another to claim her hand? I would do it.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to pledge myself to a vampire who stands a very real chance of becoming spider food,” Helen said. “Strategically, it’s not a smart—”
I stopped her with my mouth, kissing her with a claim more powerful than any other.
When I finally released her, in a breathy voice she said, “I accept your terms.”
The Bloodkeep was a misnomer today. It was adorned with thousands upon thousands of white flowers, the very ground I walked on a mass of petals. I wore the traditional vampire gown of royalty—sky blue with a cape of gold. The bodice was strapless and tight, leaving nothing to the imagination. Diamonds covered the entire top, and the bottom stood out in cascading waves of poof. It was overdone, but for a royal vampire wedding, somehow just right. My veil flowed out behind me, dancing on the breeze created as Farnkelan flew by before settling atop the battlements. I entered the vestibule of the Great Hall and greeted the rest of my wedding party. Iphi was entertaining Lilah and Roth with her latest tales of bravery, this one involving some sort of oil wrestling with nymphs.
I bent down and kissed Keilana, my flower girl, the dark braids wrapped around her head in a beautiful crown. “Now go, little one. And don’t forget to throw the petals as you walk.”
“Yes, my lady.” She tottered off in her little girl heels.
“Ready?” Apollo asked. He was dressed to kill in a sleek tux. His wavy golden locks were smoothed down, and his bright eyes flashed. “I’ve never had to give someone away before. I usually take maidens, if you know what I mean.”
Iphi snorted.
“That’s not a very royal sound, Iphigenia,” Apollo chided.
“I’m the ruler of a demon keep full of, ya know, demons. How royal do I have to be, really?” Iphi pulled at the hem of her gold dress, putting her ample chest even more on display.
Apollo nodded in approval.
I had ceded my control of Decanum to Iphi, who was of royal demon lineage. Her father, Agamemnon, was Menelaus’s brother, though no one had heard from the demon royal in years. Most feared him dead. That was just fine with Iphi, since Agamemnon was the one who sacrificed her to Artemis long ago, before the Trojan War. As it was, I had enough on my plate as soon-to-be queen of the Bloodkeep without having to worry about the neighboring kingdom. Right now, I just had to keep my wedding party together until I got down the aisle.