Page 41 of Blood Prince
Their food supply seemed meager at best, especially given the inhospitable nature of the Darkwood. These vampires were hardened survivors.
The little girl from the courtyard was there. Her mother was cutting the child’s meat and vegetables into manageable bites. When she was done, she ran her hand along the girl’s braids and kissed her on top of her head. The way the vampires doted on their children heartened me and reminded me of the warmth and love of my sisters.
Conversations around the room sprouted up again, and children laughed and played with each other.
Faren took a big swig from his goblet. “Now, how are we going to take the keep?”
Silence fell among the adults, though the children still kept at their games, oblivious to the momentous decisions being made around them.
Paris glanced at me. “Elena is my chief strategist. She is a warrior for the gods, a master tactician.”
The dark-haired little girl from earlier stopped eating and stared at me, her eyes wide. Perhaps my true nature was even more fantastical than being a fairy as the girl first thought?
Faren put his goblet down. “The gods don’t rule here, my lord—you do.”
“Faren, give him a moment. He just got here. Tonight, we celebrate. Tomorrow, we plan.” Shildreth stood and raised her cup. She spoke in the vampire language. I didn’t understand a word, but I got the gist from the vampires’ reactions. The soldiers placed hands over their hearts, and the parents hugged their children. Hope was in every one of Shildreth’s words, permeating the air. Her voice rose, reaching the conclusion of her rousing toast before she dropped her head and said, “Askenith.”
The entire room shook with the one repeated word.
Paris rose and bowed low to the room, a gracious move from their long-lost prince. “Shakorah,” he said as a deafening shout went up from the crowd.
I stuffed my pack under my bed. It was in Shildreth’s home, which was the largest building in the settlement, though it only had three rooms. I would be comfortable enough here for the night. The cot looked inviting, adorned with a handmade quilt. I placed the little doll the girl had given me on the pillow before sliding the Olympian blade onto the floor next to the bed.
Paris had been invited into Captain Lewin’s home next door. His gaze had lingered on me until the captain clapped a hand on his back and showed Paris inside. I laughed at the propriety of it all. Artemis would have been pleased. Funny how my thoughts really hadn’t strayed to my mistress since I began this journey. I should have been worried. I should have been coming up with a plan to fix whatever damage Paris had done to my relationship with the Moon Goddess. But instead of worrying about Artemis, Paris occupied my thoughts. His passionate gaze or his sinful mouth. What did he think of me now that he’d gotten to know me as Elena, not the Helen of his past?
I shrugged off my thoughts and prepared to bunk down for the night. The front door opened with a creak, and I recognized the sound of Shildreth’s shuffling gait. She came to the bedroom and rested her cane against the door frame. Her eyes still shone that friendly hazel.
“I hope it is to your liking, my lady.”
“Oh, it’s very nice. Thank you so much for allowing me into your home.”
“You are always welcome wherever I am.” She walked over to the other bed in the room and sagged down onto the edge. The effort from simply walking seemed to drain the vampire of any energy.
“Is there some way I could help? Something I could do?” I asked as lightly as I could.
Shildreth shook her head and removed her tiara to place it on the nightstand.
Despite my offer, I wasn’t sure I could do anything to remedy whatever it was that ailed Shildreth. My powers were solidly in the destructive realm. I could neither heal nor bind, and could only make a temporary glamor when needed. Even if I could call upon healing magics, something told me that Shildreth’s injuries were not of the sort that could be fixed.
She glanced at her legs, hidden beneath her skirt. “It was Desmerada, you see.” Shildreth shifted back onto her bed and lay down, sighing with relief as her body settled. She ran a hand along one of her braids as she stared into the darkness above, a faraway look on her face. “One of her soldiers captured me when I was in the forest. It was foolish of me, really, to even be out alone. But I went to meet someone. In secret. He was set upon by a wolf and could not make it to our meeting place at the appointed time. He blames himself for this.” She gestured toward her legs. “Even now.”